please 343 no Bullet bleed.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OceanicOctopus, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. OceanicOctopus

    OceanicOctopus Forerunner

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    now 343 has done good for putting in a beta for the up coming playlists and im loving it but there is on tiny problem and thats bleed. now I dont mind bleed for melee bput ecause that actualy feels like origanl but bleed for the Dmr or neddle rifle. comon i try and stay away from swat and they basicaly put it in the gametypes that I actually want to play. 343 if there is anything to fix (becaus this is beta mode we are deciding what we want later) thats bleed.
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    What don't you like about bullet bleed through, is it the fact that the Pistol is now a 4 shot? Or that the DMR is effectively a 4 shot as long as the enemy has sustained even the smallest amount of damage?

    Because honestly I dislike those two aspects a lot, but a simple change to 110% damage resistance fixes both of them, whilst also making Frags and Rockets more manageable in damage terms. I don't think removing bullet bleed through is necessary at all, but I think that ALL bleed through enabled and/or no bloom gametypes should use 110% damage resistance.
  3. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the clarity the Reach system has. It gives better feedback as to when you can kill someone and when you can be killed by s single shot.

    On a side note: How many topics do we need regarding the TU?
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I agree on some level. I don't mind it being harder to tell when you're one shot (because that's all it is: harder) since that just increases the onus on player awareness in situations where it's gonna come down to those tiny slivers of shields.

    I do agree that it being basically impossible to definitively tell whether someone is one shot or not is a bit of a downer. One can make arguments about more awareness of how many shots you've hit, using communication etc. to gauge how weak someone is, but these are all situational and ultimately it is impossible to definitively tell if someone is one shot with headshot bleed through.

    Though on the other hand this means that, in a sense, it's always worth going for the headshot with a DMR etc. if you think there's a chance they might be weak enough. When put like that, the idea of a general increase in the focus on headshots is something I like, but it's easy to spin both ways in hypothetical terms. Ultimately I'd have to play a decent amount more at more competitive levels before I come down on either side of that debate.

    Eh, I see your point, but this board is pretty heavily focused around the TU in general right now so it's not like it's pushing a flood of other topics down. Plus I kind of see his point with it being a somewhat distinct issue, it's not just another no bloom thread for example.

    If it goes the way of becoming another general TU thread, as people start bringing in other aspects of the gametypes for discussions and stuff just starts getting repeated from the main thread, then I agree that it would serve little purpose. But for now I think it's worth us waiting and seeing what can be had in this specific area of discussion first.
  5. OceanicOctopus

    OceanicOctopus Forerunner

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    still make it a bit mor managable because a guy killed me with a dmr 2 shots to the head.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    In the nicest way possible: no he didn't.

    Bleed through means that, if you have a very slight amount of damage done to you, the DMR can kill in 4 shots instead of 5, since the damage from the last shot (if it is a headshot) will bleed through and score the kill.

    There is no way you were killed with just two DMR headshots, and no other damage done to you. If you did have other damage done to you then I don't know what you're complaining about, bleed through could have meant you'd die in one fewer shot than without it (ie. you might have died in 3 headshots in a non TU gametype) but that's not as likely as you just being weak enough to be killed in two shots. The effects are marginal overall, your comparison is SWAT is way off.
  7. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I actually really like bleed through because it suits my cqc play style very nicely. Pre-TU, cqc was rather difficult.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    One of you probably has a terrible connection. Silver lining: If he was lagging that means the game sucked for him. If you were lagging then make your connection slightly worse and you can lag shields back.
  9. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    He's talking about bullet bleedthrough, not melee.
    Also, Pre-TU CQC was pretty simple, you know exactly what to expect.
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I hate this aspect. Better mid-range game doesn't make up for the fact that I could dominate at long range and I had a massive advantage with close range because of my ninja skills. I realize this leaves a pretty big hole...

    The TU made me more balanced, but also made my epic close-range-ninja powers less impressive. I am sad.
  11. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Actually, close quarters is a bullshit now and was good before.
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Agreed, If i had a cool head I could almost always win a CQC fight or long range duel but in the TU I'm having a hard time adjusting to what will kill me when.

    I'm gonna be honest I dislike bleed though in every form. For bullet bleed if you lost any health a DMR is 4shot giving the opponent a one shot advantage which is huge and because there is bleed though you lose health a lot easier.

    -So after losing 4 blocks of health in TU the next battle your enemy has a 1 shot advantage, Meaning if they can land 3 body shots and a 4th headshot they will beat you no matter how good you are. (Which is a huge advantage imo)
    -Pre-TU After losing 4 blocks of health your next battle to get the first unshielded headshot is 100% even based on skill but then they get the advantage if you both miss the first headshot and it comes down to bodyshots. (The enemy also gets this advantage in the TU)

    Also I dislike how it's impossible to tell when a headshot will kill a shielded person.

    Melee is a whole other story.....(if you don't know, I really dislike melee bleed because it simplifies the game and takes away a huge skill gap)

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