That looks awesome! Lighting is well done, colors are blended well, nice sense of depth, specially from his body to his rifle, and flow is good as well. Only gottas say that the background is a bit bland, but the body covers almost the whole thing, so it's not too much of a problem. and the text looks nice as well, though the Deathblade text looks uneven for some reason. And that's a nice speed vid! I'd never seen how you work or a tut from you, so this was interesting! Looks like you knew exactly what to do from the start.
Your recent sigs have looked like they're all HD sexiness. That's the only way I can explain it. I can't find anything to critique other than his left arm looks a tad bit too burned (dark). I really like this 9.22345/10
Hmm ya that is a result of the lighting effects, I really should have corrected that... But I more or less just went with what I usually do for this one, I made it for my graphics section on another forum, they are almost all noobs, so I am trying to get into tutorials and stuff, so I will be posting my stuff here for feedback when I do it....
Nice speed vid. Sig is good too, good focal point, the lines flow excellently and suit the image, and the lighting is mostly good. I say mostly, because, personally, I would have made the soldier a little bit brighter, in parts like his visor and, like Erico said, his left arm, but I can't find fault with anything else. Great work!
Miraj, long time no see. Any suggestions in particular for the text, I have always had a bit of trouble with text.
Lighting kinda eh to me. The backdrop light and the light that is originally with the render are different so that needs to be improved on atleast. The text ( like Miraj said) does need some work, however I personally can't think of a certain font that might work. Maybe something thats bit more thinner? The Lighting C4D's are ok too, but with the lighting abit messed up it's eh to me on how it looks. Still a good job though just try to work on those .
KB, your back here now too? What is this, convergence of the old GnA? Ya, I see what you mean now that I look at it KB with the lighting, but I probably wont update the lighting on this sig, but I will be a bit more careful next time...been a while since I have got much negative feedback, its nice to see you and miraj again here.... Next I'll be seeing ice, MLO, and mace, and thinking of it, I've seen RST already. I might try and fix the text, the problem I noticed is some of the spacing on the letters is messed up, so I will try and see what I can do about it.
The visor wasn't really much of an issue, but I'd have overlayed it slightly with a brighter red or white with low opacity, just to give it a little more of a pop. I prefer the second version over version 3, however. Lighting is much improved.
I come over here and there just to see how the GnA is going but I don't have alot of time so I just comment on some that I think might need it. Most of the other Gna vets do the same thing really or when they need something like cnc themselves. It happens .