If you think this map was goiong to be very similar to grifball, which I personally like however the game type is very much the same. The court is a two team start off on either end were the back doors are, which are only used to plant the bomb, respawn, and startoff. You go out a tunnel to the main area were there is a big blocked off area in the middle with four tunnels going in on you side and theres. Once inside there is a hallway and in the middle there is the bomb you pick it up exit through the other side one of the four tunnels run to your right run through there base go through the wall with only one entrance and exit. Go up the stairs and in the middle is where you plant the Bomb. It is instantly detonated and the next round starts. There is Five rounds each game. They are 5 minutes long. You start out with only a sword no Grenades of course. It is a full on skill game where you have to use strategy and use your temmates to prevale in winning. The people who win are the ones that are not greedy and rush in, those are the ones that loose. If you use your temmates and have patience to wait for them to respawn to back you up if you got the bomb or not, you will PREVALE! It is set up to 4-8 players each team. So do you think you have what it takes to be the winner and teamplayer? Picture 1 Red Startoff Picture 2 Red beg. Picture 3 Red Goes After Picture 4 Red's Battle Spot Picture 1 Blue Statoff Picture 2 Blue Beggining Picture 3 Blue Goes after Picture 4 Blue's Battle Spot
ok slayer we dont do double posts here first welcome to forge hub unfortunatly your post does not meet the standards here so please read the stickie with the rules on >HERE< for more info read the link in my signature or send me a PM and please no more people telling to put pictures or this is not up to standards
Please stop bothering Brutis, it doesn't take 4 posts for someone to get the message. No more "Post does not meet standards" replies.
They're just trying to keep the forums clean man. No harm in directing people in the right way. Great idea. Grifball is good, but another spin never hurts. Love the way the map looks too, very neat and orderly.
its a shame the pics arnt embeded but the map does look fun and definatly has more to it than grifball which proabbly make it more straticgic but not as hectic.
Mod please Delete I have accidenly posted 2 Brute Ball Forums and I would like this one to be deleted. I already have the other 1 posted. Thank You =)!