Hey, this is my second sig ever. Please critique, and give advice. Here is the original picture by the way -
Welcome! Good for a first sig, just keep the size in mind, this looks more like a wallpaper. Lighting is a bit off for starters. The snow is well done, as is the text, though its separated enough to split the focal. Nice blending, just needs something to make it a bit more interesting, a light source and gradient maps would finish this up well. Hope to see you around here often, we need active artists!
I'll start with the negatives: It's too large length-wise to be a signature (plus the overall dimensions should be much smaller, it's looking like a wallpaper), the focal is a tad bit blurry, the snow is too transparent and doesn't look entirely realistic, although believable, and as Xtermin8r said, the text is too far from the focal. The lighting does look a little odd, especially around his head. Positives: Good depth, nice color scheming. Overall, it doesn't seem like you did much besides change the hue, add snow, blur some, and add text. It's decent as is, simplicity is good, but it'd be better to look up some tutorials to make it more interesting. Also, this is a very good sig for being your second. Nice job.