What are peoples thoughts about it? They got off to a rough start, mainly because they lacked crystal clarity at first. Also, lots of ugly behavior has been seen from lots of folks, including members of the NYPD. Will this be seen as significant or will it be forgotten as soon as its over? Is it up to the protesters to bring the solutions or just the grievances? Are the grievances substantial or just selfish? Are the protesters / NYPD acting appropriately or no? Is the overall message muddled or coherent?
I think the main message is that Wall Street should be held accountable for tax payer money it received through bail outs and such. I've heard a few interviews where people have said that. That's not to say other people have said other things. If the protest goes on the way it has it might end up standing for the first amendment. It seems to me that the NYPD is denying the protesters their right to peaceably assemble. The protesters will just be standing there and some **** head cops will come up and arrest them for no reason.
they dont make the message clear. ^this was the first i heard that that was their actual point, nowhere have i seen anything saying whats their point.... im willing to bet that 95% of the people there had no idea what the point was either. they just wanted to go be a part of whatever might happen. also, there may have been people hoping/planning for riot planted within the group, all it takes is one or two people to incite something, and even if the majority of people are trying to be peaceful, things go crazy... i saw the video with the cops beating the people who were just sitting on the ground like hippies... **** was ****ed up. but there was also a part in that video where one cop was separated from his other cops and surrounded by the mob... he started swinging his baton all crazy hitting everyone... i mean, wouldnt you? he was probably afraid theyd kill him. not saying i support it, but just that theres always 2 sides. still, **** cops and all that. tldr, i think they need to get their **** together or its just gonna be pointless riots and waste of time.
Well the did finally come out with this... it would have been more helpful to have this prepared from the start but better late than never. #OccupyWallStreet First Official Statement tl;dnr version: Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube
this is about a week old, but how 'bout it? Anonymous Leaks Personal Details of Cop Who Pepper-Sprayed Wall Street Protesters [br][/br]Edited by merge: 'Occupy Wall Street': A media blackout? - Listening Post - Al Jazeera English
nothing says "take us seriously" like sending a flood of pizzas to someone's house. really, theres a part of me that wants to support this.... but come on now, pizzas? get real.
Yeah, I'd support this **** out of this, if they didn't do stupid stuff like that. Here is a thing I found on the internet a month or so ago: I just feel like if they could do a lot better at it when they get there **** fully together for the long haul.
i do agree with you, however, this apathetic attitude that most of the young people in this country share will never lead to change either. if only it was as simple as "do you want the revolution? click yes and enjoy from the comfort of your home."
I'm for being a lot less results-oriented about protest. Whether or not anything changes is not something to be thinking about now. Yes its important, but dwelling on the end result will only make it seem hopeless and we'll go back to doing nothing all the sooner.
What's funny is that people in America are saying this won't change anything, and people outside America are saying it could change everything.
I'm pretty sure EVERYONE is ignorant to American politics. It's just too muddled for anyone to have the complete picture in mind when making a decision, thus people slip through the cracks, and people have to do stuff like this to try and fix their situation, even if it makes others' worse.