BALLAST Ballast is a medium sized map with varying sight lines. For now, it only supports Slayer, Team Slayer, and Multi Flag. I know some people don't like the destructed look, but I kept it to a minimum and think it enhances the map. I also was sure to add as much color as I could to avoid complete grayness like some of my other maps. Although this map is fairly symmetrical, I made things different enough so that one can always tell direction. Weapon List: 2 needle rifles 4 dmrs 2 needlers 1 plasma repeater 1 sniper rifle 1 rocket launcher 1 shotgun 1 magnum 6 frag grenades 4 plasma grenades 3 health packs Some changes have been made that are not reflected in the pictures, but they are minimal. PICTURES: DOWNLOAD
I really love the looks of this map the aesthetics are really nicely done. Also i noticed sightlines look great nothing super long but long enough it plays well. One thing that worries me is that i see lots of ledges that could be an issue if there's jet-packs or a lack of barriers. Other than that amazing job and i think ill give this a DL. Kudos
Thank you for the compliments. As far as the ledges, most of them have soft kill zones over them. The only spot I kind of forgot about is the lower ledges of the ramps above the orange health pack. I don't think they offer too much of an advantage, but I can easily fix them if needed.
No problem i give compliments where there due. And i figured that you probably had Soft Kills there but i figured id check.But yea like i said that was really my only issue other than that its spectacular =D.
The only grav lifts this map has are under glass and are purely aesthetic. They don't bring you anywhere.