Is it true that it's a good idea to make a map preview so others can see it before its finished? Doesn't that ruin your surprise? I think it doesn't really benefit in anyway, sure they see it sooner, but the same people will just see it again later right? So whats the point.
There's a cycle that doesn't necessarily need to be followed, but it helps in the longrun. Preview -> testing -> testing -> testing -> testing -> update your preview -> testing -> etc -> post eventually. Showing people the development behind your map in an attempt to build anticipation. If you don't want to post a map preview, don't post a map preview. It's a simple as that.
If you want other people's point of view on your map, why are you seemingly against map previews? Yoonomaeksnse.
You want the preview to A. get people hyped B. find testers and C. get ideas/help/pointers. So if you are going to listen to feedback. Then it's a good thing.
The point of a map preview is to advertise your map. If you just post the finished map with no preview, nobody will have heard of your map before and consequently you won't get any replies. You need to build lots of hype to have any chance at a 2 or 3-page thread.
Ahh, naowyoomaeksnse. Map previews are good because they get people interested (if your map is interesting enough), and they will keep it in mind. So when you eventually post your map, there'll be people out there who already know what it's like and have an interest so you're more likely to get downloads rather than your map stagnating. They're also good for getting ideas. If you post an unfinished map in a preview and ask for critiques on anything it could need or doesn't need, getting a fresh perspective on it really helps in terms of design and creativity. And lastly, they're also good for building word of mouth for in-testing. Make your preview good enough and people will want to help you test it. This kinda takes parts from each of my previous points, but it's still valid enough to make a point of individually.
map previews are to get people excited. if your map looks sexy then you'll definitely have people checking it out when you do post the final. if your map sucks, it'll hurt you to post a preview, in essence, because they'll avoid your finished post.
True but if they only avoided it because of the last map preview that makes it kinda pointless because who knows how many changes you could of made right? But i totally get what everyone is saying about how it gets your product out there for others to see if its worth there time. Kudos =D
I would think of it like this: If you advertise a product more people will buy it (as long as it doesn't look like complete crap.) If you are going to do a preview, make sure you have enough to show to draw attention and conversation about it. I saw the preview you posted, and I think in this case you could have built a bit more first. It looks alright, but not like much has happened yet, so maybe build a little more for people to see first. Make sure it is in a playable state in fact.
None of this was really in referance to that particular MP especially since i did it after but anywho. Thanks for the tip. Maybe i can add you or something Shoe
Map previews are really just for show and to work up a hype. But, tbh, couldn't you have asked this in the chatbox? I thought this thread would have had a bit more relevance to forge or something worth titling 'Really?' :/
ask there? and be taken seriously? who are you kidding? and how is a question about forge previews not relavent to forge? he asked in the perfect place. people can take their time to respond, and be thorough.