Hi everyone, nice to finally do this, I'v actually been following FH for a year or two now, but I never made an actual account because living in Australia as I do it will be hard for me to help with testing or anything and I was never very confident in my forging ability, but all that's changed, well, sort of, I have now decided that I will stop being lazy and will start to routinely finish any map that I start, and as such, here I am! Well, I'm originally from Germany but I live in Australia now, I'm into lots of things, my musical taste is rather eclectic and I myself am a bit of an eclectic, I like techno, club, dubstep, classical, indie and have a passion for Asian culture, Japanese specifically, but not exclusively, I dig FPS and RPGs but also have a thing for RTS when the mood strikes me. Anyways, nice to meet you all, and happy days everyone!
Well, they call me Trixie, but that's not my name. Welcome aboard Lone Heretic. Neo is our resident lurker, Shanon is our resident sexy Persian prince, and I'm your resident ghostbuster. Enjoy your stay.
AHAHAHA, lol, indeed, always good to meet a brother in arms, and thank you both for stopping by, means alot coming from people such as yourselves
Ohai there, im the site loonatic, call on me if you ever need ummmmmmmm..... idk, just call me, im lonely
Indeed? Well I'll be sure to remember that on those cold lonely nights XD seriously though, thanks for the welcome, appreciate it, bai bai nowz my new lunatic friend ^_^
You are awesome Beware of this guy. Oh yeah and Im the one who remakes ODST maps and is editing some of the videos for the Throwdown competiton.
Haha, thanks I appreciate it, lol, why beware of Stevo? Yeah I know, I've seen heaps of your remakes, they look good, I anticipate the ODST map ontop of the skyscrapers, forget what it's called but I think it would make an awesome MM map, Especially since there are the parts underneath that go down to the helipad and stuff, man I loved that map... Haha, lol, why should I call you if I want raisins? Wait, lemme guess, you grow them in forge world don't you?
Greetings, Heretic. I am a Chinese vessel flute made of clay or ceramic. The actual material used eludes me at this moment because... well, when was the last time you got an intelligent thought from a musical instrument? Not recently, I'd wager... Anyway, watch out for Stevo because he likes to eat people and take their faces. He promised me a face so I could be a real boy, but I'm yet to receive one. There'd be a sadfaic here... if I had a faic...
Indeed? Well then, we have something in common! Ah sorry but you'll have to forgive me at times as my German is rather rusty, as I don't use it much and it has been many years, all the same, thanks for the welcome! Thank you for the visit my finely tuned friend, say, do you have a cousin called Zhú dí? My sister plays him well, he has a nice voice ne? Wow, Stevo sounds like a scary-person-face-eaterer-liar D:
Ich kann ein bischen auf deutch sprechen! I think I did something wrong there. Ah well. Hi! Welcome to FH Lone Heretic, I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Thanks for the welcome! Really appreciate everyone taking the time to say hi! Haha, nope, you got it quite right, uh, I think, anyways, nice to meet you scorch!