Adjutant This Forerunner research complex was believed to had data on energy weaponry. Unfortunately all relevant data was purged when the array's fired eons ago. This would be my second map on tempest. First I did a race track (which is lost) and now this small-medium? aesthetic map, watch the short video below to see it. Halo Reach Map Adjutant - YouTube Comment below on what you think. Comment/Rate/Subscribe @ YouTube Download here!
This is incredible. Nice work. I suppose it would depend on what remains of the budget for the map but if I were you I would seriously consider adding LOS blockers and some weapons and turning this into a playable map. It looks incredible and pathways and easy movement are already pretty much built in. Regardless congratz on the nice map.
thanks. If I modify it a little bit, I guess it "could" work. When ever i try to make a competitive map, I'm just like, damn what i change this? no that wouldn't work. idk, im never satisfied with my competitive maps.