I think the C4Ds immediately behind the monitor are somewhat too blurry, they dont match well with the other parts of the background. The lighting is off, it reflects from the upper right on the monitor, yet the light comes from the lower left corner. Im on my lunch break, and dont have much time because of that, so I'll cut this off here...
The text doesn't really fit the image, the colors are nice, but the assembly word sems to stick out a bit because it's a different hue then everything else. Erm, the text looks like it's placed in front of everything. I think blending would be a bit nicer so everything doesn't look as flat and layered. There doesn't seem to be the best flow, I see a lot of the shapes point towards the monitor, while other shapes (like the bright line towards the left) intersects the others. Not a huge fan, to tell you the truth, but it's interesting haha. Just a critique.
Fix'd. I replaced some of the gradient maps, improved the flow a lil bit, and made it more dynamic. And the lighting is good now, I think. Much better now.