My next map, Disseminate, is much like Curator. Small, symmetrical, and fast. It also offers nifty ways to get to other parts of the map. The upper level of Disseminate features the ever-so-cool Halo Reach ziplines! There are two ziplines, one going in both directions. I actually had a small description of the map while I was making it. It went something like this; "The barracks on this communications station allow for it's operators to spend prolonged periods at their posts while maintaining the comfort of home with beds, fantastic views and even a calming rock garden." Dis-sem-i-nate, verb 1. To scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse. A long with the ziplines, the map has four spots that are purely for entertainment purposes only. The fusion coil gardens (or storage facilities or whatever you want to call them) allow someone, who is obviously bored, to chuck grenades into a window and watch the resulting explosion behind the safety of incredibly glass! Just like the last, meant for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. Features a whole variety of playable gametypes. Including infection, which will obviously require more people than the recommended maximum. Weapons 1x Rocket Launcher, 1 spare clip, 180 sec. 2x Shotgun, 1 spare clip, 180 sec. 2x Sniper Rifle, 1 spare clip, 180 sec 2x Grande Launcher, 3 spare clips, 180 sec. 2x DMR 2x Needle Rifle, 2 spare clips, 45 sec. 2x Needler, 2 spare clips, 60 sec. 2x Plasma Pistol, 0 spare clips, 60 sec. 2x Magnum, 2 spare clips, 45 sec. 4x Spiker, 2 spare clips, 45 sec. 4x Assault Rifle, 2 spare clips, 60 sec. 5x Plasma Grenade, 30 sec. 5x Frag Grenade, 30 sec. 4x Health Packs, 60 seconds. And now...for the pictures! Loading Screen: [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Overhead View: Rock Garden, sporting rockets! The outer barracks: The inner barracks: The Fusion Coil garden: And the zipline!
Thanks for the heads-up This being my second map posted, after you said something, I realized that I was posting the download link wrong. Both of the maps have been fixed. Again, thanks a ton!