Vagrant V2 This map was inspired by Paradiso and Utopie. I wanted to make an island map, but didn't realize how much of a challenge it would be considering the size. (Guess that's why I'm a rookie and you guys are the pros!) So you'll notice some similarities from the two as well as some creativity on my part. This is located on an island on a Halo ring (how original), where it was thought to be an ancient wind and solar farm. Covenant activity in the area aroused the curiosity of ONI, who already thought it strange for there to be a power plant on an island with no visible ruins or evidence of civilization. Once controlled by the UNSC, ONI discovered that there lie something beneath the surface of this island. Further research show this island to be a forerunner weapon program that never made it past it's testing stages. From what ONI can gather it's a smaller version of Halo, designed for single world cleansing. With constant struggle of covenant forces, this is an asset we cannot afford to lose... Weapons List: DMR x6 Needle Rifle x6, Spiker x4, Plasma Pistol x2, Needler, Magnum x2, Shotgun x2, Sniper x2, Laser, Plasma Launcher, Mounted MG x2 Vehicle List: Warthog x4, Banshee, Ghost x2, Goose x4, Falcon Grenades: Frag x4, Plasma x 10 Health x7 As you know, this map has been undergoing plastic surgery to get rid of things that didn't belong. You know what they say about pictures...Because I'm just too lazy to give a 1,000 words. Red Base includes a teleporter, sniper rifle on the 3rd level balcony, hog inside as well as a sheild door to the garage. Ghost is outside under the balconies. You can see the location of the other hog and the 2 geese. Bridge + Healing Spire. Laser is on the bridge. I tried a million ways to make a light bridge, but I can't seem to figure it out. Oh well, this turned out fine. And no, the healing spire doesn't work. Solar Array. The windows are supposed to be solar panels and also make a great clear floor! Also this is where the neutral falcon is located as well as the PLasma Launcher. Landing pad picture is not correct. There is no banshee, it has been moved and it's not on blue side landing pad either. These empty pads are now just new points of interest and can change an entire game on this map if the correct team work is implied. Blue base is the same as the red. Red side relay out post. I originally planned for this to be at the telporter location of Paradiso, but plans changed and now it locate at the room double of Utopie. It provides no use other than a fun place to hang out with your spartan buddies or just something fun to look at...maybe even hide behind, depending on the circumstances. Blue side relay out post is same as red. Neutral banshee is located in the mountain near the healing spire as Heretic said. (great minds think alike!) Fun towers located at teleporter of Paradiso. Literally just for fun. =] Upper walkway is still similar to Utopie, but completely overhauled. It also provides nice cover from aerial combat as well. A view of one of the teleporters to give you an idea of location. Central tunnel aesthetics. Grenade launcher is located here. Alright, that's the reconstruction of the map, V2. Hope you enjoy it. The biggest reason for the overhaul was to rid the unoriginal pieces from Utopie/Paradiso from my map. I hope this map plays well for all of you who No action shots this time to avoid the epic long post! A special thanks to my 1 month old on this one. Only because he keeps me up at nights so this map was made to keep me sane! =] Download and enjoy! (Dont forget to hand over some constructive criticism)
the one problem with this map is that you actually used Utopie as the canvas map therefore rendering some of the work not yours (there is no really way to fix this without restarting). Other than this good work very much like Installation and very aesthetically pleasing
Wow, good job, and I like that you tried to make the "cave less traveled" into a cave more traveled, I always thought it would be a good tactical point if someone included it in their map, as to what the other guy said about using Utopie as your canvas map, meh, you were merely inspired by it and its creator, shame that healing tower doesn't work :| good job with the aesthetics btw, i really like the bases, they yell forerunner all over
Actually my canvas map is Forgeworld. I started this from scratch. I just used the same things mentioned above. But thank you for the input. I've been meaning to ask someone, but haven't had the chance yet, do you think I should turn the bases to have the balconies face towards the mountian, or should I leave them at the angle the are? It would make fun use of the Jet Pack, but I'm sure it can reach there already from the landing pad. Also, are the banshees overkill? Because I ran out of forge bucks to put it some decent cover. I'd like to make this play as best as possible. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'll make some changes to the buildings/walkway area and release a V2 later on. But for now, I'm going to keep those. Mostly because I'm out of ideas around the time I'm awake to work on this thing!
Hmm, Yeah, I think take out one of the Geese, take out the red banshee, swap the other banshee with the falcon and take tho blues rocket hog away, this way you gain $250, the reds rocket hog and the blues falcon cancel each other out, that's balanced because while the rocket hog has homing AA rockets any pilot worth his salt can outmaneuver homing projectiles in a falcon whether it be banshee bomb or homing rockets, so the balance isn't effected and you gain some bucks out of the whole shenanigan, huh, I love that word, don't you? Shenanigans...
Definitely something to consider during the reconstruction of this map. I never thought of it that way balance wise...thanks.
Haha, no problem I'm glad I could help, I look forward to watching this map progress. I had a flythrough in forge today and I liked what I saw, the neutral base with the solar panels is cool, I like the tunnel and those jetpacks will be fun for sure, can't wait to play with some vehicles on this map whichever way it goes, hey, if your NAT type is open then maybe we could have a game on it sometime, I'd love to see it in action.
Today I've actually changed the upper walkway. I've got a few beta versions of replacement bases(the room doubles from utopie), but I'm still trying to see which I like better. Also, I'm still testing out a relay where the 2 story/bridge combo was. I took out the vehicles for now so I haven't got around to that yet. I will probably go with a neutral area for both a banshee and falcon. We'll see though. I'm thinking 4 default hogs as well! haha, just because there's nothing like some intense vehicle combat! =] All thoughts, nothing on canvas just yet.
What? No! Don't change the bases! They're perfect how the are! The Utopie bases are cool, but yours are different, they're original! Hmm, walkway, big changes? Oh yeah, those things that are on paradiso yeah? Where the teleporters normally are? What in the world is a relay? Like teleporters or what? Never seen it as a part, enlighten me? Oh yeah, you could have the pad for the falcon on the mountain upper path where the healing tower is, it'd give people more incentive to go there (if you have the neutral Falcon and banshee) Ahh, yes I know the feeling, so many good ideas, so annoying to implement on canvas :| Though with the falcon there it might be a problem as the splaser is there too, though it could be good, putty there aren't any passenger aircraft like in H3 though someone could still stand ontop of the falcon with the splaser (if they were lucky enough to get both) on that thought, I wish that there WERE passenger aircraft, and I think it would be awesome to be able to have the passenger hog that you see in the campaign, also the grenade falcons, anyways, sorry for getting off topic, interested to see what you do with this.
I'm going to update the main post here in a minute. I was talking about the smaller offset buildings that I had from Utopie. But the final version (for now) is completed. I'm still not happy with some parts, but with budget/ideas not working how I want them to issues, it works for now. I'll revisit this map in the future. I tried to focus mainly on ground/vehicle combat as well as adding the advantage by aerial. I'll update the pics/post now so you get a better idea of what I mean.
Ahh, I see what you mean now, yes, they're much better, those room doubles seemed kinda out of place before, but I like these relays, you could put the teleporters from the bases here, it would add incentive, and about the banshee I was also thinking the banshee would work better there, the falcon makes more sense at the array for some reason, and that will also add to the traffic through and around that sde of the island, more so than just for the GL and SL which wouldn't have amounted to much, I like the fun towers, they look cool, does red have them too? For the healing spire you could always add a health pack or two, not really the same thing, but it meets the same goal, as for the light bridge, I can't test itbout right now cause I'm away from my Xbox, but I have an idea, you could put two one way shield doors ontop of each other where the bottom one has the orange side facing up and the top one has the blue side facing up and they are almost touching, this way the attractive properties of the blue side will pull you down but the repulsive properties of the orange side will stop you from through, whether or not you will still be able to jump I'm not sure, but it's worth a try right? All up I like how it turned out, the walkway looks all the better for its changes and I will certainly DL this as soon as I can get on a computer again! Happy forging! (I'm on a tablet right now and for some reason doesn't work on it)
Cant believe when I mentioned you up there I used the wrong name! Haha, I'll fix that. =] Nothing like "edit post". Your gamertag is hilarious! I just noticed it. I'll give it a try with the one ways later today, but it may have to wait seeing as I'm pretty busy. Tablet? haha, forgive my ignorance, but what is that? My advanced technology consists of a lap top and 360. Everything else is probably considered outdate. (like my VCR!) And I thought you need an app from Bungie for mobile devices (assuming a tablet is considered that). I like your idea for the teleporter. It would even look fancy as well! Who knows, maybe there will be a V3 later? Jay kaying.
Haha, that's fine, indeed? Yes I thought so too, hmm, yeah sorry, I'd do it myself but I just got back from a night out and I'm really tired, Ahh tablet, like an IPad or an android or something, heh, a VCR is better than mine, I have nothing! Yeh, this tablet IS my laptop, I'm too povo to afford a real laptop XD y'know, I'd totally forgotten about that app, I'll check it out, a V3? Indeed, a dedicated forger, bloody hell, I sad, my map is still a preview and the only person who has commented was a moderator moving it Eh Maybe I'll take it down, anyways, happy forging, talk to you later
What's your map called? Or can I find it from your profile...Hmmm. I'm still new to this site. I'll figure it out though. Thanks for the help on this map. You've help out a lot in the idea and planning of it. More than you know. I'll check out your map if I can find it, if not, then I'll just wait for you to tell me what it is! =]
Ah, HERE is the link, not as good as yours but I have hopes hey no problem, I'm glad I could help! Nice new Avi btw, reminds me of the companion cube from Portal'd for some reason
haha, thanks. I don't know if mine's all that great. I'm still pretty new to forging. I've only been at it since June. And I was a procrastinator at first too! When I joined up with one of my friends in KSI (which I'm no longer part of) there was a forge comp to earn a spot on the team. First prize was captain and second was co-captain of our division (over 500 members). Sounded exciting, so I signed up having no idea what I was doing and placed second overall! Cinderella's Castle is actually the map that made me win with a perfect 20/20 rating. I dont know why, because before I updated it I thought it's flaws for sure would have made me lose. But yeah, the comp pushed me to forge and actually do it. Learn how to set spawn points/objectives/labels...what each gametype needs and all that fun stuff. Every map has potential to be a good or even great map. No matter how disgustingly unappealing it is. you can have a pile of ruble that plays well, as long as the ruble is spaced in a way that it is playable or even has a custom gametype that plays well with it. It's just a matter of figuring out what works and what doesnt through trial and error. Thanks about the Avatar!
Oh wow, you were in KSI?! Wow, a perfect 20/20?! That's great! Huh, what a funny reason to start enjoying forge, well, clearly it's worked out for you, so, any plans for new maps?
Yeah, but they wanted too much of my time so I ended up leaving. That and my friend was too busy with school to play anymore and was afraid of hurting people's feelings and played in offline mode instead of just letting people know he wasn't interested anymore. Haha, anyway... As for map ideas...Not really sure just yet. I want to make an Invasion variant on Anchor 9. I have a few ideas for that. I haven't looked at all the maps in edit mode, so I'm kind of excited to see what you can do where. One I was disappointed with is Highlands. Such a beautiful map, and yet a dumpster is what I have to look forward to! Also, I DL'd your map and wanted to go over that as well as another one I was looking at. Plus a friend of mine is about to release a new map pack (7 maps or so) and I'll be busy with him working out the kinks.
Haha, I see, that's like the opposite of my clan, they have literally NEVER called on me, sometimes I wish they would, ah I see, yeah anchor 9could be a good inv map, andrea I too was heartbroken and greatly annoyed at highlands, I thought I could do wonders on it, but sadly the only piece I liked of the bunch were the pallets and the crate ( thou I really wish there was an open crate, and those pallets would be great on Forgeworld ) most of the maps are the same though, closed big silver crate, dumpsters and pallets, tempest has some driftwood in the scenery section which is pretty cool but the wood is indistructible which makes it lose any purpose other than aesthetic ones. Oh sweet, can't wait to go over it, and is that dinos map pack by any chance? I'm looking forward to it, should be fun.