whats up guys wow its been a while sense ive posted anything on a forum like this im Check i live in kansas usa im 19 years old ive really goten into forging lately and dont really have a big enough circle of xbox live friends to test out any of the maps i make or give me any real feedback i would love the opritunity to help other people with maps and get help on mine i look forward to working with you guys
Ohai there, Check My name is ♥ Sky, but you can call me honey or babe or sexy or whatever takes your fancy. If you want to get maps tested, I suggest you head on over to the lovely people over in the Testers Guild and they will not only test your map, but provide an excellent feedback service and help you improve it as well. Blatant advertising over, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, don't feed the troll and remember to abuse this guy whenever you see him.
Alas, poor Stevo, always copping flak. Hey, I'm Xun. Don't let the name fool you; I'm not a Chinese musical instrument. Although I do like music, it's just a massive coincidence. One piece of advice, don't do anything to piss off nibbles, he's a hard-ass mod, but is as gooey as a marshmellow underneath that poisonous exterior. Enjoy your stay at Hotel Forge Hub!
I love your sig xun! Oh and welcome to CoolHub Check, don't listen to theses guys, niby is soft like a marshmellow and steve is tasty like a marshmellow
^ Don't listen to him. I do taste like marshmellow. * Stevo roasts himself on an open fire. ....sizzle...pop...ohai...splurrgeee.
ohai new guy Word of advice: Don't ever post your map or probably not even information about your map in a blog entry.
Thanks, LD. But listen to me, Check, you'll have to do a lot of grovelling to nibs before you can lick the gooey center... wait... *awkward silence*