Battle arena is symmetrical map that will work for team slayer and slayer. It could also work for other varients as well. Each team startes on there side and they have stairs they have to climb to get to the sword or up to the cross section of the map. Or they go backwards from where they spawn and can go to there turret and defend that way from the enemy or get to the enemy the other way. The weapons are well balanced and so are the equipment. I have played this map with my friends and they think it is a flowing map. It is a pretty close quater map where you spawn but get out of the cross you will be shot at by different weapons. I have tried all I could to get the maps bigger just work with them please. Thank you! Download map at:
I tried to do that but for some odd reason it would come out like this too. Trust me these arnt thumbnails. I dont know why they are doing this.
to make them bigger go to ur image shack accnt, click on each pic and look in the lower right area of ur screen. there should be a text box there with "thubnail" and yes/no bubbles. click no and it will give u the right code
I will be having different game types on this map sooner or later so its not just slayer or team slayer.
Okay, use Photobucket to upload your pictures to them, and imageshack does let you use large images... Learn to use the image hosting sites properly before you post a thread like this. I can't make out any of the images at all... If you want people to download your map then post properly, and you wont get people posting replies like this...
Cant see much from the pics. But what bothers me the most, is the maps name. Battle Arena is not very original. Try to come up with a word that defines your map but not to the point where it ruins the geometry or flow of the map.