
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CyborgAnthro, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Some stories can only end in bloodshed. Supports 6-12 players.

    Today I present to you my latest arena, set in a scenic plaza environment. Saga is a reverse symmetrical mid-large size map with a mix of indoor and outdoor combat. 4v4 is recommended for slayer, but for some game types such as CTF, up to 12 players can be supported. I’ve really enjoyed making and testing the map and I’d love to hear your thoughts. On to the screenshots…​



    Rockets spawn in this middle structure.

    Red side sports a gulch view. Note the GL spawn on the left.

    Blue side has a lovely ocean view.

    Shotgun spawns lower left, up against the crate.

    Another hallway inside red base.

    In the rightmost corridor you'll notice sniper spawn.



    Action Shots

    War is never the answer.

    Unless this centerpiece is the prize; then it's worth it.
    Death by force lightning can be quite gruesome.


    Follow your dreams wherever they may take you.​

    Weapons List​
    8x Dmrs​
    1x Rocket launcher (180 secs, 1 clip)​
    2x Sniper Rifle (90 sec, 0 spares)​
    2x Shotgun (180 secs, 0 spares)​
    2x Grenade launchers (120 secs, 2 spare shells)​
    2x Needlers​
    2x Needle Rifles​
    2x Spikers​
    2x Plasma repeaters​
    4x Magnums​
    8x frag grenades​
    4x Plasma grenades​
    4x Health stations​
    Pre-emptive note about power weapons: this sounds a bit heavy but the map is large enough and they spawn infrequently enough that this weapon configuration plays quite well.​
    Thanks to all my testers, especially Nutduster, Overdoziz, GrenadeGorilla8, xAudienceofone and many others at the TGN or otherwise. If you tested the map and would like a shout out just let me know and I will gladly add you here. Thanks for viewing and your feedback is much appreciated!

    Download Skyrise
    #1 CyborgAnthro, Oct 4, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2011
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    In all my games on Saga I generally had fun, I never had a bad game here. I do have to say Im not so fond of the side rooms, as I can never tell exactly where I am, but the design is great and the map is very well made. The center is by far my most loved part of this map, excellent work.
    #2 Audienceofone, Oct 4, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks solid, but I would suggest the addition of aesthetics and decorative peices, the constant use of blocks gives it a bit of a bland feeling.
  4. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    There I was browsing through the custom content forum in Forgehub. When all of a sudden I see a little thumbnail showing off this reallly awesome looking map. Marveled, I decided to check who made this piece of work. When I read the words 'ByborgAnthro", it all became clear.

    Anyway, back on topic. I really like the feel of this map and I hope to get a game going on this map with my family around here. I LOVE the center piece and right now I am very envious of how creative you are. Do you go to sleep at night and dream of individual maps instead of girls. I hope (and most likely will) to see more maps from you in the future.
  5. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    @ Audience, I appreciate your help in testing. While all the braces and other pieces that can be colored are set to red and blue for orientation, I agree that some of the indoor areas are much more bland looking (I really wish the underside of the brace large colors were a little larger and more apparent). Thanks for the comment.

    @ TOMisHIGH, thank you sir.

    @ Splatterman, I see what you mean about some areas being bland. Because of the long views and aesthetic complexity outdoors, the map is about as decked out as it can be without causing frame rate issues.

    @ Dizzyman, thanks for the compliment! I don't think I dream about maps per se but sometimes I do dream about locations that I'd like to turn into maps. That and my wife. Sometimes my wife will actually play on my maps so I don't have to dream about that. :D
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is another decent map. I have pretty much the same beefs with it as I have with Skyrise, being that it doesn't manage to feel unique, but it still plays well. I'm not gonna nominate it for an FHF, but it's definitely worth downloading and playing.
  7. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment. Sure I am biased towards my own maps, but I have to disagree. I feel that there are several things about both skyrise and saga that are fairly novel and memorable, and not just aesthetically. I admit that the kinds of gameplay these maps offer do not reinvent the wheel but are not stale either. Nevertheless, I am still trying to figure out your secret criteria for the "hot pizza award", and at least according to community reception I am just getting something wrong. Every time I think I really have something, and test it significantly, it ends up being a waste of time because the map doesn't fare well, to the point where I consider quitting forge altogether. I don't want to turn this into a rant, so any more specific advice you or anyone else has on the problems with the map would be much appreciated.
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why on Earth would you quit forging? Each map you make, you're bound to improve. Most people on Forgehub have different standards than I do as far as what is and isn't unique. I'm almost never impressed by maps, even if I like them. as far as being unique in my eyes, Rememberance is a step in the right direction. I feel the best way to improve your forging would be to spend longer coming up with ideas for maps. If you make a million maps, not very many will stand out, but if you put a lot of time and thought into a map, the final product will be far better. Don't feel like I dislike your maps, becase I most certainly do. I just feel like they could be better. They're all so well forged, but the ideas behind them just seem bland to me. I'm interested to see which map project you pursue next, and I look forward to playing it. Sorry if I came across as overly negative earlier.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree, you have gotten significantly better at forging (in my opinion) since when we met. If you have no reason other than your upset with your maps then you shoudl really reconsider quitting. Besides, it seems the only real issue anyone is having with this map is the aesthetics and I've already seen this being addressed in some newer maps of your like Depot. Just think it over a bit before you decide.
  10. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    @ Psychoduck, don't worry, you weren't been harshly critical. I was just getting frustrated. I appreciate that you have seen improvement and I guess I can tell it about myself as well.

    @ Audience, Thanks. It's funny you should say that because some people have said that depot looks bland and boring as well. I know aesthetics are in the eye of the beholder, but even with saga I got a lot of mixed messages. Anyways sorry for being melodramatic. I'm not throwing in the towel just yet. Thanks for the encouragement guys.

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