This is a small slayer/juggernaut only map which is great for 2-10 players. IT is also symmetrical weapons dmr 4x sniper 2 rocket launcher 1x spikers 2x needle rifle 2x shotgun 2x vehicles ghost 2x mongeese 2x overview Small Base Side Sniper tower Center where rockets usually spawn Also** there is a tunnel going through the walkways which can bee seen Download here-
If you want to be all mathematical about it is does have origin symmetry around the center of the bridge, so yes, it is symmetrical
Well, if YOU want to get all 'mathematical' about it (symmetry has nothing to do with mathematic equations) then yes it has origin symmetry, but the map as a whole isn't symmetrical.
this is a symmetrical map.. it may not be mirror symmetry, but it is rotational symmetry. simalar to esylum. so people who obviously havent gone through or passed algebra will disagree. MAP! i like the looks of this map, the pipe along the side is a very cool aesthetic touch. the layout seems legit and easy to learn and have fun on. i would suggest staying away from prefab buildings though.. they are a turn off to many forgers. also i hope there is a killzone up those glassy wall things. that could cause problems aswell other than those things and people not understanding symmetry this is a solid map you have year. keep up the good forging
I typically stay away from the buildings, but they just worked in this situation and also provided an adequate amount of cover in a small space , and yes there is a killzone on top of each of the glass wall ramps.