Redemption Dark Hole Games is releasing another map pack called "Lock Down". The map in this pack is Redemption. A 4v4, 8v8 Red vs Blue Slayer. Along with SWAT and Rumble Pit. We have decided to only make one map for each pack to leave space in the file share, but we are always working on something new. Let us know what you think of the map. We had some map testers try it out, took their suggestions into consideration and everyone who tested it out really seemed to like it. Thanks for all your support. DHG_Founder This is where the blue team will spawn. On this base there are grenades and a DMR. To the left and right are the elevators to bring your straight up to the second level. Straight ahead on the bottom level from the base you will find man cannons to bring you to the second level also. This is where the red team will spawn. On this base you also will find grenades and a Needle Rifle. To the left and right are the elevators to bring your straight up to the second level. Straight ahead on the bottom level from the base you will find man cannons to bring you to the second level also. Here is what the elevators look like. There are four of them. This is another screenshot of one of the elevators. Showing you where you will arrive at on the second level. An overview of the bottom level. In the center is the man cannons that bring you to the second level. There are four pillars(two have health packs on them and the other two have power weapons by them. 1 shotgun by one and a grenade launcher by the other) The rocks/grass walkways have grenades and either a needler or assault rifle. Here is also where the blue team will spawn. You spawn on either the top or bottom. That center doorway leads to the main center on the second level. Here is also where the red team spawns. You spawn on either the top or the bottom. Straight ahead and behind me are the tunnels you come into when you go on the elevators. you can walk all the way around to get to main center on the second level. Here is the main doorway to access the main center area on the second level. To my left and right you can walk up and take the other route around which will bring you above the elevator tunnels but back down to main center area. (sorry if that sounded confusing lol) Here is what I was talking about. You go a little bit higher but meet back on the level that everyone else is on. Also the Sword is on that straight platform above the whole second level. It's directly in the center. Another screenshot of the main center on the second level. You will find grenades on both sides, DMR on both sides. In the center you will find Needle rifles on both sides and grenades on both sides but opposite from each other.
Nice layout. You have some interesting ideas going on in lock down. I really like that oddly shaped hole in pictures 10 and 11. This map is really balanced. Me and my friends had a blast running around popping each others heads of here. Great work! (P.S. I think you guys and I should get together and forge something sometime)
I really appreciate your comments. I am very happy to see that you and your friends had a good time on Redemption. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the maps you have created. I am currently working on more right now. Thanks again and if you want, spread word about the map and have others download it. Thanks for downloading it
Hey everyone, if you haven't a chance to play on this really fun map you still have time before I take it off my file share. Also if it says it was made by Darkjedix89. That is my old gamertag. So if you see any old map posts on here with Darkjedix89 in the description, it was made by me when I had that older tag. DarkJediMasterX is my new gamertag Hope you all enjoy the maps