I like it! It makes me want to forge a giant aesthetic trollface. Although the rocks seem a bit overused in this, and the feet look like they could use some work.
That reminds me of those goblins that you see in harry potter good job and I love the naturall look to it. you should make more forge art
Grim, this is looking to be my favorite from you; I just love the extreme attention to aesthetic detail. I mean, you even have huge tendons on the troll toes! Great job so far. You do the same thing over and over, but you do it just too damn well. also; I think he's "trolling" in a "troll" thread.
Funny all the improvement posts... I think this took a very short time to make , but got the point accross... It definitly remind me of a troll from harry potter. Great work on the features, and unbelievable how fast you made this. Also I wouldn't change a thing.... Looking forwad to more insane aesthetics in the future !
I actually got a kick out of this. Doubt that the troll will ever make it as a map, but it was a fun 50 some minutes of forge. Something I threw together after finishing the Brumak. Alright I guess ill go make MOAR forge art as suggested above