
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by SageParadoX, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. SageParadoX

    SageParadoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I created this KOTH Variant and Map on the 19th of October, 2010, with abit of help from my friends testing it to make sure it was fun.


    We have played quite a few games of this, tweaking it to avoid the smallest problems. Deep down all this is, is a KOTH variant, though the idea behind it, some of my friends have said, was genius, sure its not the most stable gametype, and sometimes glitches out, but not for more than 15 seconds.


    So i present "Gridmine"-

    Crazy King Variant.
    • 4-16 Players, Up to 5 people on a team, best played with 4 per team.
    • 15 Seconds between each hill movement.
    • Shotgun Starts, no Armor Ability.
    • 50% Damage resistance, 100% Weapon damage.
    • 100% Damage resistance, 150% Weapon damage inside hill.
    • Within the hills your become glued to the floor, unable to move unless killed or the hill moves.
    The catch to it all???

    The hills are all MINES!


    One shot can send you flying through the air, cursing at your friends as your corpse falls down, to Davy Jones Locker.

    • Note the fact that every mine that is the hill, when blown up, will transfer its hill status to a random other mine.

    Just remember, if you play the variant, it is best to let your team-mates hold the hill by themselves, once they are in, hold off the attackers until the hill moves.

    Remember, dont go in together, or someone might earn an easy double kill.


    I hope some of your download and enjoy this map as much as i did making and testing it.

    Thanks to all my friends that helped the process of making the game, move alot smoother.

    Please leave any feedback, i'm willing to listen.
    #1 SageParadoX, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  2. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    I've always been a big fan of innovating KotH games, and it looks like we have another brilliant one here. Original idea that surely provides a lot of fun.

    A sure download from me.
  3. SageParadoX

    SageParadoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm all for more decoration, as a matter of fact, its all ive been tweaking. If a new version is made, i will make you all aware, if thats what you wish.

    Thankyou for the possitive attitude towards my gametype, its quite refreshing.
    I hope you have a great time playing it, and be sure to send me a messege sometime, as i'm always on the XBOX if im not at school or work.

    #3 SageParadoX, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  4. SageParadoX

    SageParadoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, i'm glad you had fun.
  5. SageParadoX

    SageParadoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, i updated my post with a video, if anyone is interested to watch, will update it more as i can be bothered, buahaha.
  6. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The video is cool, can you teach me how to embed a video? I didn't create the video but I have permission to put it into my thread.

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    Wow! Looks like tons of fun! Cool concept and great execution! Nice job, dude!
  8. SageParadoX

    SageParadoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Guys, xD

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