FATE map pack Part 1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "Sgt. E.Travis, Journal entry 67; Date, July 10th, 2552

    We got past the flood army all thanks to the master chief, but now with him gone only four of us remain. Most of this facility is strange, from the looks of exploring these halls it seems to be facilities meant to contain the flood. Seems like the covanant let loose these monsters without realize what their messing with. All we can hope for is that the cheif we come back soon, its been 17 hours and no sign of him. Hopefully though, we'll last out inside these halls. I don't mean to *****, but I am not gonna let some mutated creatures or alien race determine my fate. I gonna feed them every bullet I got left until my last breath."

    Hello halo reach community, I welcome you to one of AoH's most highly inticapated map packs, FATE. This map pack has been in the works for some time now and while it was hard to go through tediuous work to rid the maps of framerate, I beleive this map pack to be one of our most accomplished works. Some of the maps were already being built before the ENDGAME release, and thanks to the 30-40 somewhat testers (which names I'll mention later on).

    First map of unvail is the MLG style map, Immortality. Now you must be wondering why it has the name it does, if you have an imagination you will see the centerpiece is suppose to represent the fountain of youth. I thought to myself I couldn't call the map "fountain of youth", so I went for the next best thing. Immortality was a design challenge, after the ENDGAME map pack I had learned much about player flow / traffic as well as hieght variation. I learned that in having great height differences you must counter balance it with an additional height variartion to equalize the gameplay.

    That on top of getting th aesthetics just right was an unprecidented challenge, and after 2 concept drawings and 3 days of work this map was the result of those trials. I also learned much of gametypes, for territories was my greatest enemy. I could not figure out why for the longest time even while going back and forth to see if it worked. thanks to fellow members on forgehub I was able to get territories working (although I found it bizzare that it was the spawn sequence). Here is an overview:

    Red team spawn
    Blue team spawn
    Rocket spawn (180 sec at no clips, team only)
    Sniper spawn (150 sec at 1 clip, team only)
    Evade (120 sec, team only) and cloak spawn (120 sec, FFA only)
    Cross map view
    Entrance from base (blue side)
    Dmr spawns are default spawn time as well as needle rifles. plasma pistols are at 75 sec right of red spawn and left of blue spawn. The map suites best for 2v2 to 3v3. MLG style play is recommended, the map also suites FFA well with 4-8 people. there is also 2 frag grenades at each team spawn and 4 neutral plasma grenades in sets of 2: one set under the bridge another set on the highest platform with all the times running at 60 secs.

    Our next map in the map pack is a map that everyone is familiar with. Underworld, not just a remake but a revolutionary version of lockout. Lockout has been remade hundreds of times, but what I have noticed about every single remake is that it lacked a fundamental piece of a map, Aesthetics and flexibility. None of the remakes had the flexibility that the original map actually had. So I took the liberty to revamp the map for a more reach friendly standards, by adding a ramp from bottom to top mid and adding several tactical jumps along the way. There are the original jumps and even jumps that weren't in the original. For balancing issues I had not put the sword on this map, as it has been replaced by the plasma pistol. here is an overview:

    Red team spawn (Elbow):
    Blue team spawn (Triple room):
    Sniper tower (120 sec at 1 clip, team only) and cloak spawn (180 sec, FFA only):
    Shotgun spawn (120 sec at 1 clip, team only) and spiker spawn (120 sec at 1 clip, FFA only)
    From lift room
    Bottom lift, Plasma grenade spawn (60 secs x 2)

    Hazards are on the map but they don't spawn until 45 secs after everyone has spawned making the gameplay fair but exciting at the same time. There are plasma nades located in the triple room closest to the birdge that extends to top mid. there are 4 DMR and 4 Needle rifle with default spawn time and 2 plasma pistols at 75 sec. Plays extremely well for 1v1 and 2v2. As for 3v3 and 4v4 it can feel a little crowded but balance should be fine.

    Our next map of the bunch is mortality, A map not created by me but by one of the fellow members of AoH, Facemelterkitty. His skill in aesthetics really showed in this creation and some help from me we created a simple yet clean map for 2-8 players. It features aesthetics which make it feel somewhat like a power plant with a mixture of caves and natural rock. While I worked out the base design he created the centerpiece of the map. In here there are a few tactical jumps which create more access for players to top mid. Here is an overview of the map:
    Red base:
    Blue base:
    Sniper spawn (150 sec at 1 clip)
    Cloak spawn (120 sec), bottom tunnel
    Bottom tunnel lift / ladder
    grenade launcher spawn (165 at 4 clips)
    To make things easier for myself and everyone reading this post, dmr and needle rifle placement stays realitively at 4 each unless the the map is larger than 2-8 players. There is also 2 plasma pistols set at 75 sec on all these maps, that I can 100% garuentee.

    On to our next map, a joint project with Me, shadowspreez, facemelterkitty and Mr h1dden. Fatality, a competitive map built similar to the pit from halo 3. Originally the map was meant to look like a shopping mall. it turned out to be more like an underground mining facility. While the original drawing was totally off from what the map became, the map played very well and the blend of natural rock within the level really brought out a well rounded out map. Shadowspreez is a stubborn person when it comes to forging but when he gathers his patience he can create great maps and since he started working with Mr h1dden and facemelterkitty they had started the foundation of the map. I assisted with the respawns and weapon placement along with the help of mr h1dden, and created the base design on each side. While there is little Framerate on single player splitscreen seems to be hectic, so i would not recommend playing with splitscreen. I felt that if I tried too much to rid the map of framerate it would destroy the map. here is and overview of the layout:
    red team spawn
    blue team spawn
    sniper spawn (150 sec at 1 clip, team only)
    sword spawn (180, team only and spawns after 3 mins)
    Grenade launcher spawn (150 sec at 2 clips, team only) and spiker spawn (120 sec at 1 slip, FFA only)
    overview of center, Plasma pistols located at each lift and cloak located at center near grass pad (150 sec)
    Neutral Healthpack with 2 plasma nades
    ramp to GL, needler located on ramp (120 sec @ 1 clip)
    Drop-down hole for each base
    the map suites well for 2-8 players, several tests show that spawn killing is very VERY rare on this map so I hope this map is enjoyable to the crowd as it has been with me and my crew.

    Alrighty, since I have such an unnatural amount of pictures in this post I will have to do this in two posts. Lol I I seriously need a freaken life.
    #1 xdemption, Oct 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2011
  2. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well demption it's about time you post these beauties. I love all these maps! Each one is unique and interesting. Every one of these maps are very fun to play on. Great work AoH. Now we can go full force into Destiny...
  3. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    These maps are awesome!
  4. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    These are really mediocre 2 bases, I didnt enjoy much from these maps as it's almost identical texture palletes and weapon sets.
  5. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    These maps don't look mediocre as Skinny pointed out. I see a lot of potential in all of these maps. My personal favorite map is Consecrate. I love all of the height variations that are put into the design of the map. The other two that seem to peak my interest are the BTB maps. They have such unique of structures that it would be very interesting to play on the maps. They just look different from the usual BTB maps posted. Oh, and Immortality center grass/rock piece looks really cool and unique.

    P.S. I would love to see what you guys are working on now. My gamertag is Knight of 0rder with a zero for the "O" in Order.
  6. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How arent they mediocre they are boring and unoriginal 2 bases with ugly merging and similar weapon sets
  7. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Skinny, I'm sorry this isnt Call of Duty with 50 different guns. This is halo. There isn't all that much of a choice when it comes to weapon variation. And in your comment on the other section of the map pack you said you're an MLG forger. Aren't MLG maps usually symmetrical two base maps? And either way these maps are very well forged. And if you're going to say these maps suck please explain why you think these maps suck. Don't just go around talking **** without at least giving a reason as to why you think so. And if you're just trolling which I suspect you are doing I will report you to a moderator.
  8. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh noz a tattle tale ok well for Immortality, it's really cramped and the middle is really awkward in that yellow or green area the upper level is small and really easily contested so you go up there you get shot then you just drop down, when your circling bottom mid you cant go to top mid any other way and there's just a loop so when you are getting shot your bound to get flustered turn around and be left without cover. As I'll say again the object choice is really different and ugly tunnel longs from 2x4s to corner 4x4s isn't nice looking

    On the second map it's just Lockout tweaked in places it really didnt need to be so I'm not going any further besides saying it's unoriginal and yet again the objects are ugly and don't match.

    To the Morality map it's feels bland the bases are these narrow looking structures with no point of control and in front of the bases in the rock garden if you will it's open unlike sanctuary where it has a large LOS blocker this has a ramp and a single rock. The grenade launcher spawn also is really enclosed with only 4 ways up, the ways it's accessible are easy to hold down it should be more open and vulnerable.

    On The fourth map this map had some good aspects to it like the sprint jump play with plasmas on it, kind of like Zealot if the middle wasn't connected to gold, just wish it was a little bigger and cooler looking like different object usage. Where the lifts go up to those windows over looking middle feel when you go up a lift you should have a 3 points of view type feeling and a 3x3 landing spot so when you go up and someones walking by it doesn't become a crammed beatdown fest.

    And pleas don't say most MLG maps are 2 bases the unoriginal forgers in MLG do that, they're in the pro circuit because they're easy to understand and are 100% balanced,but fall very unoriginal and sometimes repeats of other maps.

  9. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, let me ask you this. How many people make a rock centerpiece that inacts the fountain of youth, no one. How many people try to get that aesthetic value while confiding to FRL, Not many people. you want to know why the 2x4 are used? they create less FRL! And if you had more common sense to actually play each map there are SIX ways up to top mid on mortality. I featured that map because of its simple yet elegant design. Also this is FORGEWORLD, tell me what other objects there are? I You are correct that MLG maps are more than just the two base design, if that is true then use your F***ing head and realize that control of each map is fought at center.

    Also how many people have actually tried to spiff up aesthetics of lockout and add tact jumps? No one, the map has been commented by some of the best players I know saying that the map plays better than the original. So my final question is, are you jealous at these maps? Get on my level and use your brain.

    Edited by merge:

    Okay I know I am doing this twice but I must do a more proper response.

    For immortality, the top center is meant to be easily contested, so it comes down to skill and thinking to hold that position. The pathways down below are meant for escape from top center and for there to be no cover is an insane thought, there is cover in the back near the sniper and also cover at each base side. Also understand that the pathway to the rockets is meant to be open so it allows the player to think "should I run for rockets or stay and fight."

    Immortality was thought through very well, and if you had some more common sense you would see that the rock cover also provides a tactical jump to top mid, providing 7 ways to top mid, so if you feel unable to get to cover down below then that is your own incompetence to be able to play.

    And for Underworld I won't try to claim that I designed the map. I made additions to give it a new feel, and if you actually took the time to play on it which I don't think you did you would see the map plays very well. I had a Semi-pro team play on it and they said they would play on that map till the day they'd die. Also tell me who has actually built the map in a way that it looks structurally realistic, and also throwing nature into it mind you. You say I have poor object usage yet you do not even justify as to why.

    Mortality like I said before does have a control point, grenade launcher area. With 6 ways to that area it is fight for control of top center, that is the base defense. The bases were built very simply because I wanted players to control top mid and not camp inside their base. You shoot your mouth off and lack to understand the actual map structure.

    As for Fatality the map has lots of tactical jumps to get around the map with and do not forget this was designed by a multitude of forgers. You claim that none of these are original yet you simply can't justify which maps to compare them too. Underworld I admit I am claiming that I didn't design that map, but I gave it more Aesthetic feel for a more realistic look compared to other remakes which are free-floating in the air and make no sense structurally. Given the pieces in forgeworld I would like to know which peices I could use differently if you think you can do better. If you can't say what you would do then your just another hotshot forger who thinks he's king ****. So don't be so pessimistic and open your eyes, this is forging and take it for what it is.

    I am an aspiring architect, so you need to get real as to who your speaking to.
    #9 xdemption, Oct 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2011
  10. Stopex

    Stopex Forerunner
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    These maps are actually very unique, It's funny to see Skinny try and find a way to say the maps are bad. I haven't heard of Skinny, so I'd assume he's not a good map maker/player or anything for that matter. Good maps Redemption, keep it up!


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