Slayer Spawns

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SkItZo1041, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. SkItZo1041

    SkItZo1041 Forerunner

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    Is there a way to make people spawn in a specific order in slayer? I made a mini game that requires one person at one "Point A," and the rest at "Area B." I want to make it so that no matter how many people are playing, there will always be the one person at "Point A."

    For example. I have four initial spawns (since that's the max number of people we get for custom games, unfortunately). Now, If I have three people playing, there might not be a person at "Point A." Can I set the spawn sequence or something and make sure someone will always be there? And if I do, will it always make a certain person spawn there each game? Like, if it spawns the party host there first, will it continue to spawn that host there? Or would the person spawning there be random? Sorry if this is a bit confusing, I didn't really know how to word it. I did my best though.
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My best idea is to make one spawn red and the other blue, and have your friends choose team according to the area they want to be at. I dont know of any way to rotate spawns though
  3. SkItZo1041

    SkItZo1041 Forerunner

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    I can't have teams though for this one. It's based on an individual score.
  4. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    If you place a spawn zone around the initial spawn that you want people at then that spawn will most likely be occupied at the start of every game. To keep people spawning there, you may have troubles. That spawn zone will increase the possibility of spawning there, but there will not be a guarentee and the same person will probably not spawn again due to the negative influencer of death. So really, teams are the only reliable way to do this to my knowlege, sorry.
  5. SkItZo1041

    SkItZo1041 Forerunner

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    Well, it's only an initial spawn that I need. The person at Point A doesn't die. In fact, he starts on a custom powerup that makes it so he can't move, and is invulnerable, and the custom powerup respawns in a minute and he gets it again. So that might work actually. I'll try it out.
  6. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    See Initial Spawning Selection from the article Respawn Points Tutorial (particularly the last part of that section deals with your scenario). It can help you decide how to setup your initial spawns. You should be able to use a Weak Respawn Zone around the primary Initial Spawn Point. If that does not work, let me know. If you are not using Respawn Zones for the two teams, then I would use a Respawn Zone instead of a Weak Respawn Zone to surround only that primary Initial Spawn Point.

    Edited by merge:

    Are you saying that you have seen a scenario where one in several Initial Spawn Points is exclusively surrounded by a Respawn Zone and yet it was not used as the first Initial Spawn Point at the start of a game? I don't see how this would be true for a Respawn Zone.

    Edited by merge:

    Yes, the choice is random.
    #6 MrGreenWithAGun, Oct 1, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2011
  7. OceanicOctopus

    OceanicOctopus Forerunner

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    I dont believe there is but there is a way for other teams to spawn at different times
  8. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    MrGreen, I haven't actually seen a scenario where that is not the case, but I was simply speculating that it could be possible if say two initials nearby were occupied and another initial on the other side did not have the negative influence of a nearby player. Even this case is unlikely, but I decided to leave the benefit of the doubt. I use respawn zones to surround four initials for each team on 4v4 maps so that those are the primary spawns, with 4 additional in case someone wants to play bigger teams. From my test experience, the respawn zone spawns always recieved four players, but I have not tested extensively enough to conclude that this is always the case.
  9. SkItZo1041

    SkItZo1041 Forerunner

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    I put a respawn zone there and 5/5 times I spawned there first. Thanks a lot!

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