Hey forgehub, I'm seeking ideas for a realistic infection map, so I'm asking the community for ideas. I'm hoping to make a realistic infection map, I also need to know where the zombies spawn, where the maps gonna be built, and what kind of theme in the map.
A hospital, I'd think. Lots of lockdown areas, red lights, crashed emergency vehicles blocking the exits, surgical theaters, ICU beds, morgues, patient rooms with vents, reception halls, broken rock art in the entranceway...
So when you say realistic infection map, what do you mean? What is considered realistic about a fictional horror flick? I am not trying to poke fun at you or put you down. I just don't know what you are asking for. And as for realism in the game itself, I feel the map is of no real consequence. It is the game type that suffers the lack of realism - speaking from the fictional based realities of horror films that zombies are inspired from.
I think to have a very "Realistic" gametype, place it somewhere like a city (Cliche), or as someone said before, a hospital would be very cool. Also, make a journey map, it'll feel different and more "real" than standard infection. The gametype is how you'd make it good though. Have it played with 16 players, and have 2-4 survivors with limited ammo and such and make the zombies stereotypically slow and weak. It won't be as fun for the zombies though...
I don't really have tips for realism other than this: In a "realistic" zombie scenario, the Humans' strength lies in their fortifications and the Zombies' strength lies in their numbers. However, although we can create realistically-impenetrable fortifications in Forge, we cannot create realistically-large Zombie hordes. Sixteen players is not a "horde". The result is that if you push too hard for realism, the Humans will be realistically powerful -- and the Zombies will be unrealistically weak. The game will be imbalanced, and playing as the Zombies will be utterly dreadful. So my advice is to be careful in just what parts of the experience you decide to make realistic.
Realistically I think that unless the zombies start off in more than one area, the military will have a quarantine on the starting location. So perhaps you could have a small town or a city (spreads fastest in densly populated areas) and have the zombies start in the center and they can push outwards through some light fortifications (realistically zombies would be weak because they're rotting so heavy fortifications are not nessecary) but the humans have limited ammo so that the zombies have a chance. The zombies (since they're thinned out from dehydration and hunger) can spawn in ventilation systems to surprise the humans.
Yeah, I like maps like the No Hope series, where the zombies outnumber the humans, but the humans can find "salvation" at the end in the form of a safe-room or a vehicle. Personally, I'm working on a map where humans can reach a Falcon to escape the undead, but a landmine spawns under it after two minutes, destroying it and leaving them for dead, it basically presents a secondary objective, rather than just 'survive', and also presents a motivation to not camp, but move.
I personally think that zombies used to create fear in a game helps the immersion and subsequently the realism. Therefore, since hordes are near impossible, a more stealthy zombie approach can be very effective if executed properly. I'd also reason that zombies would be more effective as stealthy creatures in real life as they would be smaller than a human and more feral and relying on old instinct. At least, that's would I think would work best for them. A hospital would be a good place for this, with many options for the zombies to attack and cramped areas for humans with occasional long corridors and passages. Stay in one place too long and zombies can find ways to sneak up on you. Make it scary. It's hard, but damn awesome if you can pull it off.
a big plane with tight corners and zombies come from both sides [br][/br]Edited by merge: an airplane with tight corners,zombies can comefrom both sides
cough, cough predator. But really, these are the aspects that made me like Predator so much in halo 3. That was my favorite game mode to play. The zombie is so underpowered, but the humans still fear him. His one and only advantage is invisibility. For humans, ranged guns, numbers up to 15 to 1, zombie has low health.
1-4 survivors. 16 player game. Lots of teleporter entrances (Somewhat like a journey map), and a short respawn time for zombies. Low ammo couldn't hurt either. Realistic atmosphere also, make it something recognizable from real life, not a collection of blocks or a spaceship...
Ig you ever played Alien vs Predator as a Marine... well this is kinda cool idea. Old Installation, some marines are sent to investigate it. There are blocked corridors, some destroyed buildings and aliens.
You cn also do different loadouts for the zombie so you can have a "alien" loadout and a "predator" loadout.
Send them to Africa, and fight AIDS. There we go. Psh, even throw in an invulnerable custom powerup and you can say you found the cure.