I have what I like to call The First Strike curse. If I get a first strike the rest of the game goes way sideways for me. Just wondering if anybody else has this happen to them.
What I gathered is that in games where he gets the first strike medal (first kill) he then does bad in some way for the rest of said game. Has this ever happened to me? I don't think so. I'll either do good or decent with no correlation to getting first strike or not.
Makes no difference on my game, no. If anything it's the opposite. I feel like I get first strike a lot because I start games aggressively, and when I get that first kill it gets me into a rhythm that usually carries forward and helps me do better overall.
I either get 1or 2 kills by end of game or players quit and I am left alone against the entire opposing team.
Yea thats kinda like me Beacuse i guess it gets to my head Man if i got the first strike then these guys are bad. then I start to get less kills then are team loses