I decided to make a slayer map to deal with my extreme boredness. Anyways it can play up to 12 players, and all i really wanted to do was make two seperate heights in the level, but on one side have multiple levels. It may sound confusing, but it really isn't. Great for fast-paced slayer action.
I really like your use of slanting the bidges, rather than just using ramps, especially that first picture. The one thing I gotta ask is why you put the grid on the ground, It just uses up the budget and is a bit unnecesary.
I love the way you used the grids. Is it good for SWAT? That's my main playlist but it looks like this map has to much in the center for it to work.
I just kinda wanted to put the grids there, it was one of the first things i put down. It was actually made for swat, due to the fact that it is open and has multiple levels, it is easy to get behind someone and kill them, but you can also use the buildings on the sides of the map, i tried to make it hard to be able to camp in. As i hate campers. and actually all thats in the center is a tower that connects up to the highest level.