Invasion: Highlands.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by gabotron15, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. gabotron15

    gabotron15 Ancient
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    I attempted to turn Highlands into a good Invasion map and the results are really great, in my opinion this maps play way better than Boneyard and Spire which are both turned into a shotgun camping festival during phase 3. Maps promotes strategy ( multiple paths to take and lots of ways to approach combat).

    Description: Contrary to most Invasion maps, Invasion: Highlands is a semi-linear based invasion map by designwhere most parts of the map are already unlocked from the start.
    This was my personal choice as I wanted it to feel different and more balanced than built-in invasion maps. It's three phases consists of two territories based phases and ctf for the last one, pretty much like Boneyard and Spire. Elites will be attacking and Spartans must defend their installations as you can see in this video:
    Invasion: Highlands (16:28)


    Map layout and action shots:

    Phase One


    Elites spawns near the Pelican while Spartans spawn over Red Base. They will try to capture two territories in order to unlock next phase. Each Elite fire team will be given one needle riffle from spawn.

    Phase Two

    Elites are given a jetpack loadout during this phase to help them approach both territories from ground or sneaking over the dam. They will also be given a ghost and a Plasma Launcher.

    Phase Three

    Elites are given a Banshee (50s), two Shade turrets (30s), one Ghost (30s) and a Revenant (40s). They will also have a Plasma Launcher, the FRG and a Focus riffle.
    Spartans will receive two warthogs (55s) both rockets and machine gun, rockets, a spartan laser and two mongooses.

    #1 gabotron15, Sep 27, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I like the idea, but I think having the defend objectives close then move away is bad personally. The defenders should be pushed back as the attackers advance, not move up to defend other points. The core position is really strange too, as you would think it would be in the best defended position, and not out in the open in the pelican.

    I would suggest having the territory objectives swiched around (phase 1 where phase 2 is now and vice versa) and the core somehere at red base, with the point to bring it in the center island of the map maybe? Also blaock off areas and open them as phases open. Since I havent played this I cant say much on gameplay, I wont go on to say anything based around your spawning or vehicles, or anything like that. I do like the revenant though.

    Oh, and I just noticed your spawn times for vehicles- its really bad. add time to the all. If your weapons are at such low spawn times as well youll need to change them as well. 50s waits on a banshee is way too small. Id say a 160-180s is good.
    #2 Audienceofone, Sep 27, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    This really makes me wish I had the map packs.
    I'm curious as to why the attackers have stationary turrets. I feel like they would be more useful for the defenders to take control of and turn on the attackers.
  4. gabotron15

    gabotron15 Ancient
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    As for territories, it was my personal choice to make them non-linear and after a few testing sessions I'm more than happy with the results, my main approach was to make this invasion map feel different from others but at the same time make it simple and easy to understand.

    As for the spawn times (vehicles and weapons), the spawn times I listed are from a very early version so most of them have changed according to all the gathered feedback.
    As or the Banshee I have to disagree with you, 50s is perfect (currently it is at 55s), take in mind spartans have: grenade launchers, two hogs, rockets, laser and a stationary turret. Did you know Spire's Banshee spawns each 30s? same with Boneyard and Breakpoint.

    The map is pretty well balanced, you can watch the rendered vid and see how really well it plays. No shotgun camping and sniper whoring...

    Spartans already have a few advantages, they spawn very close to the territories and can easily access red base and take elites out if well coordinated.
    There are lots of ways to approach the territories, my favorite is evade-launching myself from the tunnel.
    #4 gabotron15, Sep 28, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  5. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Okay, if the territories are how you want it then thats fine, I still dont like it though. I dont feel like the spartans are defending at all, rather attacking in a lame manner (not lame as in map, but not directly attacking. moving up as their 'defenses' are taken.) point is Im not a fan of your objectives.

    Now that you mention it the banshees do spawn rather quickly in the other maps, I hadnt thought of that. Alright, I concede my argument on that spawn matter concerning vehicles.

    I did watch the video, and it did play rather well, but it doesn't make me like your objectives at all. In fact it only reinforces my dislike for them. Other than that I cant tell of any other issues at this time. The map seems well made within he confines of the limited forge pallet and the idea is strong here.
  6. Bones

    Bones Forerunner
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    I have to admit, I'm intrigued by the objective placements on this map. Forcing the defenders to move forward to protect their new objective isn't something I've often seen done before -- and for good reason.

    Positioning defender objectives closer to the attackers gives the defenders no time to setup or strategize against the coming attack. While attacking is harder than defending, I could see this completely tilting the scale toward the attackers. A well-coordinated team could begin immediately capturing the next point while surviving attackers from the last phase harass the spawning defenders.

    I'll hold off on final judgement until I've downloaded the map and examined it myself, as it was difficult to get a detailed feel for the map from the video. At this point, it could either be brilliantly designed or horribly broken. I'd be willing to provide feedback if I could get a better look in Forge though, if you're interested.
    #6 Bones, Sep 28, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  7. gabotron15

    gabotron15 Ancient
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    You can download the gametype /map BETA version from my fileshare.

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