It's a good month, mates. 343i will spending us an ultimate retro-halo update, Dice set a startdate for the upcoming BETA and of course the third episode of Gears of War launched! Now a lot of people are on GoW III fever and are enjoying hopefully matchmaking on the “epic” maps of gears of war 3. No reason for being jealous, so let us forge most of the fancy and famous gears of war maps, for example Blood Drive, Jacinto and Avalanche…awesome. We can create the gametype “execution” of gears of war which is the most played of all. My idea is no appeal to change Halo to a Gears of War. It’s an addition to the compilation of forge maps in the custom-games-universe. Because GoW maps are spending us unique ideas for gameplay and scenary. Get into forgeworld or what ever and begin your own Blood Drive or any other great map of GoW I, II and III. I listed the names of every published multiplayer map of GoW I,II,III, including all map packs. Search for a chosen map in gearspedia or web to get detailed information about its building and gameplay. I guess that real GoW fans will use their GoW games. Please present your remake on forgehub and link it in this thread. I will list every map in the first post. Post if you have questions or like to learn some more about this project. Please check out for clear information about each map. Here they are: GoW I: Rooftops Clock towers Escalation Mausoleum Old Bones Raven Down Garden Bullet Marsh Process GoW II: Avalanche Security River Blood Drive Pavilion Stasis Hail Ruins Day One Jacinto Canals Gridlock Mansion Subway Tyro Station Flood Gold Rush Fuel Station Courtyard Grindyard Fuel Depot Under Hill Allfathers Garden Memorial Sanctuary War Machine Highway Waystation Nowhere GoW III: Checkout Drydock Hotel Trashball Mercy Old Town Trenches Overpass Sandbar
I thought about this, and while some aspects can be made similar (like the movement speed, sprint, bullet damage, jump height), the other combat elements just strike me as too similar. The extreme reliance on both sprinting and rolling at the same time, the 3rd person perspective, the cover system, the incap system... I mean, I'd love to see it, but let's just say...I'd be very impressed if it worked well.
It hasn't to be similiar. It has to be an addition of individual parts of GoW to the general Reach gameplay. For example: - execution means that you habe only one life per round. - the weapon damage has to be change and - the armor and health has to be change of course you cant keep the cover-ability of GoW or the fast movement between sprinting, crouching and rolling and the 3rd person. But thats not important. Don't think about a GoW with Reach graphics but rather about a Halo with locations and attitudes of GoW...not more. Can you get the idea a chance?
Why does it have to be set to GoW gameplay? Why not remake the maps to play well in Halo. Even if it means making a few minor design changes.
I've already tried making a good GoW game-type on several occasions, but it doesn't really work well. A lack of crucial game-play mechanics really make it tough to capture even the essence of Gears. Not being able to actually "take cover" is obviously the big one next to the different PoVs. There is also no way to really weaken the shotgun without making the other weapons next to useless because of how low the damage modifier has to be. Lowering movement speed below 90%, even with unlimited sprint, slows everything down immensely. The lowered movement speed also makes strafing near impossible, so you're pretty much screwed if you're losing a firefight since there is no way to have both evade and sprint simultaneously. I also discovered that you cannot have "no shields" turned on without every headshot being a OHK. Why they didn't give us a "headshots only" option like they had in previous Halo's, I'll never know, but because they took this shortcut of no shields = 1 headshot kills you cannot avoid having shields, which sort of kills the game-play as well. I agree with Skisma here- I'd rather see some good GoW inspired maps that are meant to be played with normal settings (let's face it, Gears remakes would be pretty dull affairs in standard Halo), or perhaps very slightly modified ones if anything. Here's a remake of Jacinto that Erupt and Longshot were working on..not sure if they ever finished.
you are right. I found Blood Drive and Jacinto too. More would be nice. In future we can support a weekly custom game lobby for only GoW remakes.
This. If i wanted to play Gears, I'd play Gears. I would, however, like to see some maps altered to fit Reach's play style and differences. Gears maps tend to have multiple choke points and "camping spots" due to the single-life, tactical gameplay, while Reach maps tend to allow for multiple entrances to areas and a greater emphasis on different levels and pathways.
The closest you will ever get to a Gears gametype is infinite Evade, Shotgun starts, and Snipers only on the map. Let's just say that it doesn't really work out in Halo. Like, at all.