
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicChief117, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Paredolia is based in a forerunner mining facility abandoned because of something they unleashed while mining. The facility is running on minimal power but is still in working order somehow. A team of spartans has been sent to the facility by the Office of Naval Intelligence to find out how this is happening. But one squad has unexpectedly turned hostile and Red Squad reluctantly has been issued with a shoot to kill order. As the team's stay grows, more creepy things start happening. one team member reported that the walls were changing! The data terminals show up English chracters but they appear to be jumbled. Recon shows, though that the rampant spartans can translate these unusual words into English.


    //sargeant's log-"Efirts latrom ro htaed naht erom raef, efil naht erom evol nem tahw." Just one of these blasted unfathomable sentences.

    I have sent Privates Romeo, Stacker and Jenkins to do another recon sweep while i stay here in one of the only safe havens in this foresaken place. Whatever created this place did quite well to enhance security. There were several sentinel drones that attacked us. But they were no match for good old fashoned led. Something was quite peculiar though. We found a covenant Energy Sword on the ground next to what appears to be a generator. some other Zealot class weapons are around here too. Perhaps the covenant took inspiration from this species weapons? Or perhaps the Covenant came here in search of religious artifacts. One thing did strike me as strange though. All this covenant weaponry and no bodies. Not a single one.
    //fragment ends-2:30pm-12/3/2551

    The map is completely symmetrical with some more vertical gameplay than some other maps. The map is about 43% done so that is why the picture looks like a mangled mess. I will be making a trailer out of the testing footage and using this song as a theme for the trailer: Pareidolia Elena Siegman Call of Duty: Black Ops - Shangri-La Easter Egg song Kevin Sherwood - YouTube

    I hope you all will enjoy both the back story and the map when it is finished. Until then, Edisrats uoy ees!
    #1 EpicChief117, Sep 26, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2011
  2. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Looks pretty good so far man, keep it up.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I finished the layout and weapons the other day. The only thing left is spawning. My worst area.

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