~ Turbine ~ Finally Turbine has arrived! Turbine has long awaited arrival... and now I am proud to announce 9/5/2011 as its release date. Creators Turbine was successfully created by three halo fanatics... Me (II Sh0 Time II), II Rolemodel II, and Day Dr3aming. Our Objectives Creating this map we knew right away that our main objective was to make it an intense competitive map. After designing the layout we felt pretty good about it as a competitive map. Our next objective was to make it look appealing and build things that we thought would play well in the layout. As you will see in the pictures below the designs are very eye engaging. About Turbine The Red and Blue spawns are pretty close together, but at a comfortable distance. Both spawns partake inside the turbines for all gametypes other than CTF. Rockets set high above the shotgun and the snipers are at both ends of the map at the end of each rock walkway. Don't get caught at the bottom middle gazing at the fountain as it may be the cause of your death. Always beware of unexpected visitors as there are plenty jump ups and drop downs. Always look up as there are walkways overlooking the entire map. Best bet... STAY UP HIGH!! Weapons DMR X 6 - 45 SEC NEEDLER X 2 - 30 SEC PLASMA PISTOL X 2 - 30SEC ASSAULT RIFLE X 2 - 30 SEC NEEDLE RIFLE X 4 - 45 SEC SNIPER X 2 - 180 SEC ROCKET X 1 - 180 SEC SHOTGUN X 1 - 180 SEC PLASMA GRENADE X 6 - 30 SEC FRAG GRENADE X 4 - 30 SEC Now I proudly present to you **TURBINE**
Poor Gorilla >.< But nice lookin map! I like how you managed to use walls of the canyon instead of the "Worlds Most Boring Rolling Fields", and I <especially> like the multiple levels you got going on there.
eh no big deal. The names are different enough. And the maps are completely different. This actually looks really interesting. Your turbines are nice too. Very different from my turbine. However just from the pics it looks a bit cramped and would be hard to move around things. There are a lot of neat aesthetic features going on here and plenty of color. My only other concern would be framerate. Have you noticed any? I'll give this a DL and come back with a bit more in depth feedback.
reminds me a lot of Last Resort (or Zanzibar; whatever you prefer) from the older Halo games, like that generator room? Looks good!
Thanks, Creating this map was fun and aggravating at the same time. The floor would always somehow mess up. I would save it and then reload it and somehow the floor would become unlevel?!?!? I thought it was the placement of the map and using the canyon wall as I had phased pieces inside of the canyon wall. With this happening I stopped messing with this map for a while. After a long while I decide to get back on Turbine and I finally fixed the problem. The multi levels add an interesting and intense game play to the map. Thanks, So far I haven’t noticed any framerate issues. I haven’t been able to play a 4v4 on here yet but have played some 2v2s and 3v3s. It may appear crowded but the thing is everything in the map is accessible. Therefore, it makes it play smooth and cramp free. The turbines are easy to get on top of from both ends of each turbine. The middle area is more of a close quarters and the rest of the map plays good with range weapons. More in depth feedback would be greatly appreciated! Ha you’re right it does resemble the generator room I didn’t even think of that… Interesting… Thanks
Hey man this map looks awesome! Aesthetically it looks absolutely fantastic! Perfect for 2 v 2 I'd say with the seemingly maze-like structure and layout. Just a couple of things bother me though: firstly, it looks quuuiiiteee cramped and overall a bit hectic. It looks great don't get me wrong, but maybe a little more space is needed? This leads on to my second problem, this being the presence of two sniper rifles. In a map such as this, which is so full of cover and is so hectic and labyrinth-like, are sniper rifles really going to be used? I know that it provides a good challenge for the budding sniper with few decent lines of sight and I can see the appeal of that, but... really? A shotgun seems a much better proposition in my opinion. Anyway, apart from those details, this map looks incredible and I beat yields awesome gameplay. A definite download!
You know I do agree with you I think that I can tone it down a little in the cramped areas. I will fix that! I also was wondering if the two snipers were going to be pointless or nerve racking. I think the shotgun idea is good and maybe a grenade laucher could possible work as well!?!?!? Thanks for the feedback! My GT is ii Sh0 Time ii the 0 is a zero if you want to test maps together feel free and add me to your FL...