So if you could create a wave format for Halo Reach what would it be? Use this format in your discussion. Please be serious and use ideas from within the Halo Universe (no jack sparrow or crap like that). 1. Name of Group 2. Features group possesses 3. Reasons why Now here are a few groups I would like made: 1. Zombie-Elites :sick: 2. Regular elites with nothing but swords and zombie green color. 3. Cuz the only group in firefight that uses swords are Generals (which rarely use swords anyway) and because I think it would make firefight more interesting. 1. Zombie-Spartans :sick: 2. Spartans with Noble 6's armor (or random armor) with swords and the zombie great color. 3. Same reason as the group above. And here goes my final one... 1. Fiesta Skirmisers 2. Skirmsers with random weapons... 3. For poops and giggles...
Fiesta fight All Covenant have random weapons B/c why not. And of course, Flood. With some Sentinels thrown in every once in a while.
The BOB wave. Random armored white elites all duel weilding plasma repeaters with 2x sheilds, and a Gold Ranger BOB himself for each unit, who carries General weapons.
Thay is a pretty interesting idea. The Bobs should on some occasions have swords though due to them having it occasionally in the campaign. By the way I like you signature. :happy:
Yeah, I consider myself a BOB hunter in campaign. If I see him, screw the mission, Kill the Ranger. By General weapons, I mean weapons carried by Generals, swords included. On a different note, I think it would be pretty funny for someone to shoot a reverse campaign from the Covenant side, where BOBs are the covenant equivalent of Spartans, and since one can be killed off in every level, id does act as a mirror for some of the later levels in Reach.
1. Drones 2. Pretty self explanatory huh? 3. Would be good to practice your aim and it would also be cool to give playeras Shotguns and Unlimited Jetpacks for some ''Aerial Hunting''. Of course, there would also be waves that would be Drones assisting other waves(ex. ''Grunts Aerial'' which would be Grunts supported by Drones).
Hmmm... Now that just makes me rise the question (since I am not near my 360 right now) are Drones currently availible in Firefight. Personally I don't think so. all I have seen are skirmsers.
No, sadly enough Drones don't appear in Firefight. Actually, now i think of it, they even barely appear in Campaign.
I wanted to combine infection settings and firefight but it wasn't possible with the current settings. it would be 2v2 firefight. 2 spartans vs endless waves of sword wielding elites, with 2 human players also as elites. None of the human players have names above their heads, so unless they are obviously moving in a human way, you wouldn't know which was which. infection damage and shields, 1 life per round for the Spartans. Also it'd be nice to be able to do "force color _____" for the AI elites, so I could make them all look the same.
Yeah I have also been trying to work on something like this. Still trying to find ways to make it work.