Start with making two of the same type of destructible objects. One should be set to {Never respawn, Yes to spawn on start}, and the other can be set to anything. Distance does not matter. Set the min/max to be the same. Then destroy the first object, the one set to never respawn. Once this is destroyed, the second object should have cloned itself. Anyways, is there any reason to clone objects?
i tried making a small house out of pallets with this method, it kind of worked, but it was an overall fail.
Does that mean that the new warthog will spawn in the same space as the existing one, so that one or both get jumbled off to the side?
By doing a series of steps, you can have a vehicle that drives normally until another monitor in Forge picks up the vehicle's "twin" of sorts. When that happens, your vehicle starts to float off the ground with it's same velocity that it had while you were driving. I don't remember all the steps but it involved a vehicle set to never respawn and another one and then the minimum set to equal the maximum.
I did this in my Haunted Manor house, but I got the idea from MUNSIE at halomods. Here is an example (i think this is what he means, if not then he just means instant respawn): You have a grav lift that it set to never respawn and spawns at start. You have another grav lift place somewhere that does not spawn at start and spawns ever 180 second. You then set the runtime minimum for the grav lifts to 1, so there will always be one on the map. Therefore, whenever the first grav lift is destroyed the second one will automatically respawn (because no other grav lifts can respawn, so it is forced to).
Pretty much, yes. This isn't exactly instant respawn; it does provide a level of bugs, like the aforementioned zero gravity glitch. Last time I did this, I had a spinning, floating fusion coil that couldn't be destroyed in normal gameplay.
Mm...the gravity lift trick should be used more. For instance, after the attacking team gets around a shield door and destroys a lift (a la Citadel style), another lift spawns on the other side of the level, allowing the attacking team to get to the flag, or whatnot.
The only downside is that if the first grav lift doesn't get destroyed within 3 minutes the second one will spawn anyway.
So really it didnt work at all and you are lying to us. I dont like liars... Anyways this theory is really confusing. -Donuts
as in it worked great for the first two walls i constructed. then i gave up due to frustration of the pallets falling, but it had potential of working. it was for a 3 little pigs juggernaut/infection map i was making... feel free to take up the idea lol.
In order to make infintie indestructible objects you can simply turn vehicles indestructable or on instant respawn
ok, tested this idea out, and some thing interesing happened, you know floating item glitch, well this happen to me except with 4 floating palets
To clear things up, this is not the same as instant respawn. Instant respawn 'respawns' the destroyed object as soon as it is destroyed. The exception to this rule are vehicles. They will not respawn until the actual model (for warthogs, the flaming chassis, in example) disappears. With cloning, let's say you have two fusion coils, distanced far away from each other. The one you destroy will never respawn again, even with the min/max set to the same (instant respawn). But the engine must have two objects spawned. So it will respawn the first object where the second object's spawn point is. If it's on the ground, it appears to have not spawned. If it's in the air, however, the results are much more visible. Say that the fusion coil is high enough to explode on impact with the ground. The first one should spawn with the second. This new cloned object can't be grabbed or edited.