MLG Foundation By dt192 2 Teams or FFA, Identical bases, Cut down and very tweaked for best performance, Zealot weapon set, gametypes changed, no turrets etc etc, makes a change from Octagon Weapon List Sniper x 1 Grenade Launcher x 1 DMR x 4 Needle Rifle x 4 Magnum x 2 Nades x 4 Stickies x 4 Symmetric Games: Custom Power Up x 1 Asymmetric Games: Evade x 1 Supported Gametypes: Assualt, CTF, King, Oddball, Slayer, Territories Hope you all enjoy VIDEOMLG Foundation by dt192 - Gameplay SCREENSHOTS
You'll have to change up the layout quite a bit more than that to make this truly competitive. Changing up a few weapons doesn't make a map MLG. That is simply a way to improve a map that is already fitting of being called MLG.
oh ok so how did they make Zealot MLG? hmm they changed some weapons and tagged MLG on the name lol, just chill out I made it as a fun warm up map, that's why it says better then octagon, it's not ment to make it onto the MLG circuit because or into MM i dont care about any of that, it's not why i make maps
I kinda wanna see a Foundation with better bases. Open them up a bit and make them more accessible. I think that would play quite well.
Zealot had potential for MLG from the beginning. It had a good layout and was better than its predecessors, Derelict and Desolation. All it needed was for the lifts to be blocked and a few weapon changes to fit the MLG playstyle. Foundation, on the other hand, is a map with a horrible layout that had and still has little to no potential for MLG. And if you just made this for fun, and not to make a great map to get onto the circuit or into MM, then you shouldn't have put MLG in front of the name. Did you really have to make 3+ different threads for this? If anything, just put all the variants of the map into one thread. That'd be like Longshot giving his map "Anent Purp" a different thread just because he added an FX into the map, which doesn't take much effort at all. Foundation doesn't have bases. His first step should be creating a true base, before anything else. But yes, I do agree with your statement which you obviously copied from someone else in your thread for 'Tribus' over at the MLG forums.
By bases I mean the 4 spawn points in the corners of the map. They're awfully designed spawn points seeing as there's only one way in and out.
Foundation was never really a great map to begin with (imo) But this remake is a proper remake of it. Good for 2v2 like the video shows. If you really want to adapt this map more to MLG and competitive, may i suggest changing the green side into a blue side (see first screenshot OP) and making the center of that walkway a base, add some cover to it and work on spawn points for teams and objective. This map has potential. Other than that, this map is forged quite nicely, not much interlocking or flaws in it.
Thanks Exile, I think you guys are slightly looking at this the wrong way, as i dont like the original weapon set on Foundation i wanted to make a seperate copy with a better wepon set and better performance, slick in splitscreen etc then once i had been working on it quite a bit i got some MLG friends to play to test for frame rate issues and they all enjoyed it a lot so i thought you know what this would make a much more fun map to warm up on than a simple octogan, so i called it MLG Foundation to differentiate it from Foundation Classic so people didnt get confused and gifted it to the MLG community, I got a nice response on the MLG site, people there seem to understand the concept, but over here im getting mr up tight being up tight, the map is there for people to play on if they liked Foundation orif they just fancy a change from octogan for warm ups, if they dont like foundation nobody is forcing them to download, IMO you guys are just missing the spirit of it all lol, but yes i agree Foundation isnt a MM type of map but then i again i would choose Foundation over Zealot any day Try downloading maps before you talk nonsense about them kid, pleanty of people really enjoyed Foundation and as you would have seen if you had downloaded my maps there are a lot of differences between the current two, I tried to add them as one thread but its not not possible as they support different sets of gametypes, and have different download links and seeing as most of the peices used and the general construction is very different it made more sense to list them in two threads, also Foundation 1x1 is not even based on the same carcass as the current two, its a totally different map created on a different part of forgeworld to a different scale and hence is not even a variant, if you don't download maps before you speak about them you shouldn't speak at all and if you cant tell the difference between the three maps then you shouldn't be posting on a forging site period.
Hello, this is an amazing remake. Really accurate, and so cleanly forged. Everything fits in and I like the unformed look. The struts on top look great and one of my favourite style of strut/pillar I've seen. This plays great, all gametypes were a lot of fun, I enjoyed headhunter, koth, and of course slayer. 1v1 flag was also good fun. I of my favourite remakes made to date. Top class
I can't even take this comment seriously. That had very little to do with what I was saying. And at least learn basic grammar and separate your paragraphs if you're going to call me a kid, kid. You're just another example of why ForgeHub is one of the most idiotic communities around. Seeing as you have failed to actually read my post, I don't see the need to say anything else about the map. I'd again suggest removing the MLG tag to avoid misleading true competitive players into a casual map. And this is another example of what's wrong with ForgeHub. According to the rules, posts like these should be getting infractions rather than the ones who give helpful feedback, negative or positive. This would be someone who has clearly not played the map and only wants to up his post count by praising the things he sees in the images. Merging the MLG and Competitive sections turned out to be a mistake. Now everyone wants to call their maps MLG just to attract attention. I think it'd be smarter for people over at the MLG forums to just post over there and not at ForgeHub. I think I've made my point, and I won't go any further since that will only cause this discussion to get out of hand and end in, as usual, me getting an undeserved infraction. Enough said.
lol ^ anyway this is a very nice map and i truly loved it in Halo 2. You did a really good job in this remake and it plays and feels great. I noticed a couple things that could be changed in the rooms such as the Platform XXL that you used as the main floor in the rooms. The created those small railing like pieces on the sides of the room which wasn't a big deal but could be fixed using other objects as the floor (blocks,brace large etc. Also the way you did the lifts from the bottom floor was meh. It is a very novel idea to used those shields to make a lift but i prefer the gravlift to make it a more natural halo2 feel(and yes Ive tested the gravlift theory and it does work). Other than that its a very nice remake and i look forward to more of your maps.
Hey Lannders, thanks for the comment, check my Foundation Classic where you will find everything as per the original
:O will do and im sure it will be just as good, and as always brah ignore the haters^^. PS howd you get your link like that <.<?
So i just used this map in a 1v1 warm up and i have to say it plays very nice, the nade launcher and the sniper don't over power as long as you stay alert. My friend also used hologram on this map and it was surprisingly effective for him to cross over the open spaces, lol (we played zero bloom instead of MLG) Only one small thing bugs me and that is that he spawned right next to me on the gold corner once after i killed him on his 'base'. Just a small note if you're going for a V2 ;]
I see what 4shot is trying to say. MLG has certain standards for gameplay and there is a difference between MLG and competitive gameplay as well as casual and competitive maps but I see nothing wrong with timmypanic's post.