Does anyone know if their is a way to make it that all the elites are wielding swords? I am basically trying to create sort of a "zombie-fight". any info would be appreciated...
No, you can't. You can however set it so that the NPC's only do melee damage. The downside, they don't realize it, and NPC's hardly ever melee or try to get close enough to you to do it.
The only thing I have found so far is Generals (Elites) and they seem to use fuelrods and concussion rifles more then swords. :cry:
Yup, generals are the only ones who can use swords, and on top of that, there's a good 60% chance they wont. As for the Melee damage, I didn't know you could set the damage specifically like that for AI. If I was near my box, I'd do it, but I'm not.
I like how everyone posts saying random stuff they're not sure about when RST is right. With elite generals, they usually won't charge you, but if you get close enough they will almost always stomp on your face, in fact almost any elite will.
As Zombies i use Grunts that are deaf and blind and all that **** so they only attack within a very short range that is however slightly bigger than Melee range however Grunts work for me.
I just looked through my old firefight layout file and I don't think there are separate melee damage and weapon damage modifiers. That makes this pretty much impossible.
Alright I think I will give that a try. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Are their any other suggestions for zombie like units to use in firefight?