
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by darrelnicolaye, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. darrelnicolaye

    darrelnicolaye Forerunner

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    Anxiety [Updated]


    Welcome to Anxiety​

    I really don't know where to begin, other than you've probably already guessed this looks pretty damn similar to Asylum. Yes, that's because it was inspired by asylum. I really liked the lighting's on each side, but I wanted a different center. A different build for the sniper spawn and for the shotgun. I've also added a rocket luancher in the center. -hint hint-

    Halo Reach: Anxiety Map Flythrough - YouTube

    Now, don't you say this map looks like it was made under 5 minutes because it wasn't. Time and sweat and blood was put into this. It's compatible with every game type accept for Race, Head hunter and Invasion. I'm kind of biased. No, not really. I'll eventually add Headhunter though..










    Grab em jetpacks!

    In my opinion, jet packs work really well in this map. If you're down for some rocket launcher carnage, use the jet pack and go for the center area! I repeat! Center area!


    Also, a reminder:

    -2 snipers
    -2 shotguns
    -1 Rocket Launcher (FYI 2 shots are the limit for obvious reasons)
    -1 Energy Sword

    And the rest you'll have to find for yourselves.

    A video is in the process for the post. Stand by.
    #1 darrelnicolaye, Sep 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2011
  2. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    I tried to do something like this once. This is a great map, though! It is obviously a success and I love the way that it was inspired, but not to much. The gameplay is original, however, and other than the bases, the map will apparently offer a much greater spectrum in terms of types of combat.
  3. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow. This look like it took a bit of time to get just right. And it looks cleanly forged. Ill DL and do a quick run through/custom and see what's what. Then ill come back with a final verdict.
  4. darrelnicolaye

    darrelnicolaye Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback, guys! Pass and recommend some! And yes, it did took a little bit of time. Wasn't rushed, I'll be uploading another map this or next month. :)
  5. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    It's an interesting map. Seems that you preserved some original ideas of asylum, but added a center with different aesthetics... I hope it doesn't affect the gameplay. The fact: you added a Rocket Launcher, maybe that makes things more interesting, or compromise the competition of the map..
  6. darrelnicolaye

    darrelnicolaye Forerunner

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    Yes and yes.. Like I've mentioned in the post, Rockets are only 2 shots, for obvious reasons. This will avoid any chances of it being over powering.
  7. darrelnicolaye

    darrelnicolaye Forerunner

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    Thanks! Come back and give some feed back about it! I'd like to know! :)
  8. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    Copied my name D:<. Other then that, good map bro. Do like the middle section a lot.

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