THIS MAP IS NOT IN ITS FINAL STATE YET AND NEEDS PLAYTESTING Created by Old Man Witherz This map was made by me because me and my friends love playing on Site C, made by bearcats087. Bearcats, you are awesome for making such a good game. This is based off of Jurassic Park, the movie series. I watched the movies again and went online for reference pics to get a style for the architecture and the look and feel of Jurassic Park. In this map you are in Site C, looks like InGen screwed us again lol. Site C is an environmental enclosure test. InGen is trying a new approach to keeping dinosaurs from escaping, a gulch. So far they only have a raptor pen. Since the site is relatively new, there are still crates and cages lying around. In the last 2 minutes of gameplay, the raptors are able to respawn out of raptor transport crates, lying around the map, as well as their normal respawn zone in and around the raptor pen. Human goal: survive and rank up them raptor kills Raptor goal: lunch Human Spawn 1 Human Spawn 2 Raptor Spawn Communications Building Research Building Observation/Sniper Tower A raptor transport crate Jurrasic Park Gate In the Raptor Area Action Shot here is footage
Oooohhh wow a map......It quiet pleasing to see a nice map in the morning and so I have to say the aesthetics(hate that word) are nice and i like your structures.The playability as far as I can see must be fun and neat.I swear that I'm gonn own the Research building I love it.The gate looks cool.10/10
It would be a bit more fitting for the Elites to be Raptors, don't you think? Maybe make it an Invasion Slayer map?
I'm thinking about making a Jurassic Park themed invasion map, i just realized that i need to make the warthogs not respond imediately, but have them not be able to respawn until the next round. And also im thinking of making it turn to sunset after two minutes and then to night after three minutes. Hit me up with a message if you want to play the map, or if you want to forge with me, my name is Old Man Witherz on xbox live [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow, thanks man! If you want to play it with me message me [br][/br]Edited by merge: not really, it's not linear at all, but an oval shape.