Well, it was something i noticed when Reach just came out but i forgot it, and now i remember again. Back in the times of Halo 2 and when Halo 3 was already announced people were asking for Councilor and Honor Guard Armor Permutations. And now they came into Reach under the names of Ultra and General, yet no one noticed. I am dissapoint. Anyways, discuss.
First of all, this is a pretty good find! Secondly, WHAEY CNAT I HAZ TEH ARBEIZ? Seriously though, why no Arbiter armor?
First off, I think they tried to replicate the Honor and Councilor armour permutations, but, the scaling was completely off for the hit boxes. For example, shooting the very tip of the armor would take down the armour's shields making the elite vulnerable.. That being said, no one would wear the armour for being at a severe disadvantage compared to the other elite armour variations. Second, I think these respective "ranks" were created solely for the request of having these other two armour permutations available that kept within the confines of Elite hitboxes. The similarities of shape and decoration is too close to say that these armour types weren't based off of the originals. Finally, Arbiter armour shouldn't be available because there can only ever be one Arbiter at any one point. There were always more spartans, and elites, but there is only ever one Arbiter.
I remember somewhere bungie said the hitboxes are the same regardless of armor permutation. Still it would be kinda difficult to hid behind a rock with your armor sticking up that far. Just like flames and armor effects, I'm all for anything that makes idiot enemies easier to find.
^ does it really matter? halo 3 multiplayer campaign had 3 =D why cant there be some more in reach matchmaking?
Actually in H3 campaign multiplayer it was Chief, the Arbiter, and 2 other elites i believe (in some levels)
The originals in those images remind me, respectively, of a Xenomorph Praetorian, and the ancient Egyptian god, Anubis, or more, his headdress. Also, the following pics are pretty sweet, and further illustrate my opinion. Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.
I think that more Elite armor should be added, and it definately looks like Bungie kept those in mind when designing armor, but the Halo 2 armors look a bit too flamboyant and large for multiplayer.
no one cares about them being too large. Most people just want to use them for forge or customs, and people will accept the disadvantages that come along with the armor if they do choose to use them. Its their problem, not yours. And not everything has to be designed purely for competition
Well spotted. While they're not identical, you can't deny the similarities. Unfortunately I, like many others, did not make the connection prior to seeing this thread. You can attempt to convince people otherwise, but those who care (I am not one of them) are either unsatisfied in their ignorance, or feel the similarities are insufficient.