Elevation is one of my most creative maps in the aesthetics portion. the layout is good, lots of elevation changes, hence the name, and the weapons are balanced. Has not been tested on large scale yet but gameplay was really good for me and a friend. The entire map is a square in a simple sense with one side accessible from the middle. The teleporters on each side are working in slayer gametypes by the way, it would make it to easy for capture the flag. now that all this boring crap is out of the way lets get to the weapons and the pictures.. Weapons: DMR x4 Needle Rifle x2 Assualt Rifle x2 Plasma pistol x2 Sniper x1 Shotgun x1 Grenade Launcher x1 Frags x4 Plasma Grenade x2 Pictures Bases Leaving Red Base looking towards middle and top level Top Level Looking down at base and over to teleporter Top level looking down base Teleporters From Red to Blue Base From Blue to Red Base More of Top Level Middle of Map Middle shown in picture above Ramp down from top to back of level, blue base is all the way down the hall The Back of the Level Sniper Bench Please Comment, most of my maps get three or four good coments and then they disappear, even if it's a comment saying my map sucks, i wanna know what the public thinks!
Well from the pictures that are here the map looks sweet. I really like your use of cover pieces and the strut decoration. Plus th lift looks pretty smooth. I'll give a download for a closer look though
Definetily something, this map looks really good for a competitive map probably a 4-12 type of map but you really try to place the map in other gametypes like in Assualt and Oddball it would attract a lot more downloads this map is likely. It seems like this map would make a classic soon, good luck at making the top and work on the design try to use some more asthetics and try for more gametypes.
thanks for all the good comments, more pics are coming up soon, and i will set it up for more gametypes!!
Looks interesting, my own map has a similar idea for the midpoint so I'm all for this. Can't enough of them deathpitzz. Will download look out for feedback.
i have updated the post with the rest of the pictures, more gametypes coming soon, thanks for all the comments again. and mudnub, i love the deathpit idea as well, espicially watching idiots fall. took a look at your map and it will be getting a download as well.
Hey, so I got a game in and though I still like the concept I have issues with areas of the map, mainly to do with inclines. You've used a lot of inclines that are way steeper than I would consider pleasant to play on, even if the spartan can technically walk up them. I understand why you've done this, in order to enable the large height differences that make your mid-point so interesting, but I felt it hurt the other areas of the map. Very steep inclines could be included in maps as a kind of tactical shortcut, but asking players to use them as main walkways is I feel a mistake. I also have concerns about the areas which house needle rifles overlooking the deathpit area. There's only one way up there, and it's very very narrow. Coupled with the height advantage those areas provide I could forsee them being a camping problem spot, especially if someone took the shotgun up there. As a technical point, I managed to get myself 'stuck' to the two way shield you used up above red base, in the teleporter area. No teleporter actually spawned during my match, which is strange. I'd have another look at that area because the only way I was able to get free was by suiciding with grenades. On the up side, I really liked how the midpoint looked and I enjoyed the weapon set you put on the map- shottie/sniper/GL is probably my favorite combo in Reach for gameplay.
Great map friend, the use of aesthetics was great, and I felt that you had an inspiration in the "Portal 2" levels, considering the design of the teleports. Good use of Creativity here. ^ ^
I think i know the problem with the teleporters and will fix that asap. as for the inclines i will see what i can do without changing the entire map. was it just the incline from top to bottom or was it all the inclines in general? [br][/br]Edited by merge: o and as for the camp spot you mentioned, i saw it as a grenade death pit. with the walls all around you there is no where to escape grenades.
I just gave your map a walk-through (I haven't had a chance to play on it), and I really appreciate some of your creativity. The unique use of the man cannons is refreshing and makes for some great gameplay. I only have two main concerns about the map in general. First, simply when walking through the map i found it easy to get dissoriented simply because there is a lot of 'grey' (this problem may be resolved in an actual gameplay scenario where you can see where the enemy is coming from/going), one possible solution to this would be to 'knock-out' a wall and replace it with a window which would help to keep players oriented. My second issue only relates to specific objective gametypes, in games such as CTF and Assault I think that the teleports would serve to durastically narrow the gameplay... you would most likely end up with a situation where players only use the teleports to go between sides of the map. An easy resolution to this would be to set the teleporters to "slayer" only... Other than that your map is pretty solid! Nice work! _____________________________________________________________________ Pay it forward! Check out some of my recent posts! Resonance-
The teleporters are slayer only and thanks for the advise, gonna do some editing tonight so I will see what I can do about the disorientation