Grand Theft Mongoose

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Nutduster, May 4, 2011.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Grand Theft Mongoose
    is three minigames in one. Each is based on the kind of morality-free hijinks you'd find in the Grand Theft Auto series.

    Detailed description

    I. The map on which this all takes place is called GTM: Forerunner City. This is deceptive though because it's more than a city - it's actually a lengthy course that winds through the city, a cave, under (or around, or over) a security wall and guard tower, and finally all the way through Hemorrhage canyon to the beachfront where a small safehouse resides.

    II. a. The first and primary minigame, the one for which this map was made originally, is simply Grand Theft Mongoose. It's a speed flag variant. In speed flag you pick up the flag automatically and throw it on your back, allowing you to still shoot and throw grenades. Grand Theft Mongoose takes this idea and turns it into a GTA-like courier mission. The flag is a valuable package (contents probably illegal). Whoever picks it up has to take it from Forerunner City to the safehouse on the beach. His teammates have to help him by giving him a ride (he can't drive), providing a convoy AROUND his ride perhaps, shooting the cops on the other team, etc. The offensive team spawns in a garage sealed off with one-way shields; inside and nearby they will find plenty of mongooses, a few weapons, and teleporters that activate after a certain amount of time to allow them access to some high places where they can rain destruction down on the guard tower and wall. (The courier shouldn't be able to use these teleporters as he can't jump and they are all elevated on platforms.)

    If you are a cop (defender) in the round, your goal is simple - just stop the flag runner and kill his teammates if necessary. The courier will have a waypoint over his head to make tracking him easy. Once the flag hits the ground it resets within five seconds. Your weapons are weak so it will take some effort to kill anybody, especially the courier. Don't worry though, their weapons are weak too - except that pesky courier, he's a little juiced or something. If you die after your initial spawn in the city, you'll respawn out on the guard tower and security wall, and you'll find a helpful warthog out there. Don't forget to use it or let the criminals grab it!

    II. b. The second minigame is called GTM Invasion, and it's where the crooks take revenge for their fallen comrades by bombing targets throughout Forerunner City, as well as that guard tower. Bombs spawn near the garage - just take them to the objective points. Crooks always spawn around the garage and the bomb, while cops spawn in different locations in each phase depending where the objective points are. The warthog appears in late phase 2 or early phase 3, but be careful - the crooks get a rocket launcher around that time too. Like Grand Theft Mongoose though, this is more about rolling around on mongooses and blasting each other with regular weapons than it is about the usual assortment of power weapons and vehicles. Not that kind of invasion!

    II. c.
    The last minigame is a familiar one, Race. The standard race variant will do. Just ride from the city to the beach and back again to complete a lap. This is pretty much an endurance race - the course is long, not overly tricky but filled with the occasional obstacle and interesting race flag location, so keep your speed up and try not to hit any bumps along the way.


    YouTube - Grand Theft Mongoose (Halo:Reach minigame map)











    The MAP | Grand Theft Mongoose GAMETYPE | GTM Invasion GAMETYPE

    Additional note

    I am finalizing a standalone Big Team Battle version of Forerunner City, minus the GTM part. It should be released soon, and will support all standard gametypes (even invasion). A little bit of the footage in the video above shows this version of the map, which has a lot more aesthetic detail and some additional structures & other changes in the city.
    #1 Nutduster, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  2. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is epic, I love your map and game type idea, it has a great town design, I like your video, I can't wait to download and play.Good job.
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    that video was EPIIIIIICCCCC!!!!!!!!! but anyway, on to the map, its very good, really cool, and you have real creativity in this, but i think that you need more buildings. do you have any more budget or items?
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Ha ha, thanks... I spent way too much time on that, and on making the GTM logo shot. I'm a bit of a GTA fanboy so there's a lot of homages in there. Anybody who followed the series online for the last x years might notice that all the music in the video was used in GTA trailers - the Chakachas song at the beginning was used for "San Andreas," the little snippet of opera was from "GTA3"'s TV spot, the next song by David Axelrod was in the GTA4 trailer, and "I Ran" and the last song over the credits were both used for "Vice City." Of course the logo there is based on the cartoon box art for all those games.

    Hardly a dime! Actually I was down to zero and right before release I freed up a few pennies, but I didn't have enough objects left in key categories to really make anything else. When I release the multiplayer version of the city I think you'll be pleased - there are several more buildings, you can go inside and on top of a few of them, there are some bridges between buildings, there's more scenery (crates and so forth)... etc. It really makes the city what I wanted it to be. But for the purposes of this minigame I confined myself to only about half the overall budget, because there was a lot that needed to be done elsewhere.
  5. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Love the whole idea and concept. The entire set up is unique and new. Also the fact that you built this entire set up of a city adds to the excite factor! Can't wait to see your next maps you build! Good job! :D
  6. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    Amazing map that was one of my favorite maps to test...First of all the map has a very nice layout that complements other parts of the map and the gametype. The way it is set gives the feeling as if your a criminal being chase out side of the city by the cops which I believe is what you were going for and you did an amazing job at it. The beginning is very clean in gameplay but the players might try to camp the flag team at the beginning if they arnt careful which could be a problem. The outside of the city is another environment that may be too sudden of a change but still works on the map. The defending team has good defences out there but the use of teleporters spawning later in the game could give the flag team too much of an advantage in the map but also works still with the map. Overall the map is very fun to play and features a nice creative and original game that would play very good in customs...although the aesthetics if possible could be increases to make the map a more pleasing place to look at and make the exit of the city not so sudden.
  7. Unlucky

    Unlucky Forerunner

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    [I find this map looks epic and the video sold me. It is entirely an entirely unique idea.]
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, that is exactly what I was going after. :)

    That was indeed a minor issue in testing. I have hopefully made it less likely by simply moving the defenders' initial spawns farther away from their mongooses, and moving the attackers' mongooses in closer to the garage. That should be sufficient to let them get a running start, even if they screw around for a few seconds. Of course if all else fails, all they have to do is kill the defending team one time each, and they will respawn outside the city. So basically you shouldn't get pinned back there unless you're just terrible at life - and I claim no responsibility for that!

    Hopefully it won't - the teleporters are only there to let the members of the flag team who aren't on vehicles get up high and lend some support via the focus rifles and DMRs. The flag carrier can't go through the teleporters because his rights to jump have been revoked. Anyway the defense still has the biggest single advantage - a warthog, once they move to their secondary spawn points.

    Unfortunately my hands are tied on that one - simply making a map of this size, even though the parts outside the city use pieces sparingly, drained my budget down to almost nothing (and used up most pieces in the major categories - blocks, walls, and bridges/platforms). A lot of things like the basic look of the city are more suggestive than fully fleshed out. But the multiplayer version of Forerunner City, when I finish it, is a lot more detailed and aesthetically pleasing, and has things like curbs on most of the sidewalks so you don't have to jump to clear them when on foot. That should be out next week I guess, as long as I can get a couple more tests on it and don't run into any major snags.
    #8 Nutduster, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  9. Rustsnowflake

    Rustsnowflake Forerunner

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    I want more grand theft mongoose!
  10. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    It sure is - you ran my ass right over. :D

    BRUTE KAOS Forerunner

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    keep on making maps people like you make reach awesome
  13. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As I have said before redonculous post video. Plays really great. Just wish forgeworld was bigger so the chase wouldnt end so soon
  14. Cutman

    Cutman Forerunner

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    DAT Trailer lol

    on a serious note that was the best trailer ever good voice acting and everything on to the map the map is well one of the best city maps i've seen in a while 9/10!

    Edit: D: dl link dosent work !!!
    #14 Cutman, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011
  15. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Forerunner

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    I really thought the video was amazing :)
  16. ProQ

    ProQ Forerunner

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    If you need a test for the big team battle map Ill gladly help you with it. Map looks great. Its cool how you incorporated 3 different "missions" like GTA. I'm gonna show this to my friends.
  17. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    I feel so ashamed that I only got one game going on this map, but it was really fun! Well done, Nutduster!

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