Lockdown v1.0

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by taka44, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. taka44

    taka44 Forerunner

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    Hey guys, remember ShadOwStorM1987? Those cruddy maps that never got a comment? He's back, and he might not be as good as RifteGifle, but he's definitely improved. XP Enough commenting about the preceding fails, let's go on to talk about this map. The inspiration for this map was a map called "Deserted" on Halo 3 that I downloaded, made a couple of edits to, and played with my friends and it was quite possibly the most fun thing ever. It was the original inspiration for "Hide and Seek" but hide and seek didn't do squat to capture the fast-paced action of "Deserted". Anyway, before we begin,

    The map's gametype isn't completely done yet. Don't download it, I'll fix it soon. I didn't have time to finish it before I had to rush out the door so my Taekwondo master could kill me. An an alternative gametype would be to take this one and (you listening?) change the human characteristics to no shields. Then, enable havens and let them have shields in the havens. There is a haven over Paradiso. This way, they don't have shields in the jail but they will when they escape. Finally, make it to where everyone can pick up weapons and drive vehicles. Anyway, let's go on to take a look at the map. Survivors spawn in the cells. Basic cops and robbers rules apply for the first part. About 12 seconds in the alarm sounds and the flashing red light spawns. Here, you can see the cells and the light.


    Survivors spawn with a plasma pistol. The zombie spawns on an overshield that never spawns again, so the idea is for the survivors to zap his shields. There is also a DMR that also never spawns and only has one clip of ammo. This spawns in the survivor's cell room at the far end and is intended to be used on the zombie for the kill when he is finally out of shield. Survivors span across the barrier of spikes to the next room. Both of these objects of interest are shown below.



    That next room has a large amount of aesthetic work put into it, as you can see. For example, here you can find my resemblance of a generator used to power the prison. Outside there is a waste disposer to go along with it.


    There, survivors can arm up. The zombie could have spawned at the other end of Paradiso or right outside the door, you never know. Arm up and be ready for anything before you head out the door. When you head out, you are greeted with this sight.


    These mongooses should be used to escape to Paradiso. There, survivors should try to hide out and fight off zombies until help arrives. Paradiso is forged with a variety of features like these.


    A survivor camp, survivors can spawn here. There are also numerous rifles to fight the sniper tower the zombies are gifted with.


    A bridge across a creek where zombies have taken up a base. Shotty can be found here, and I'm fairly sure a sniper to go with it.


    Another bridge, this one also serves as a zombie base. Zombies can spawn underneath the main part. A shotty and a sniper can be found here.


    There used to be a village here, now it makes a great battlefield for killing zombies upon. Plenty of cover and weapons.


    This village is the first part of Paradiso survivors see when they escape from the prison.

    And finally,


    There is a ghost shelter directly outside of the prison. Ghosts in this game, and their almost silent hum, is meant to be a signal to survivors: RUNNN!!!! ZOMBIEEE!!!!!! Also, I tried to establish a structure likeness with the house tables (you'll see what I mean if you download it).

    So, why should you not download? And this time, please comment. If you see a flaw or something I could have done better, tell me! My last two maps didn't even get a comment, so all the tool I had to improve my forging was Youtube. Come on, I need some feedback, positive or negative.

    Anyway, my clan and I have a lot of fun playing this map already, so give it a download! It's really an awesome time! Finally, look out for another infection map that's going to hit the casual map forum pretty soon with my name on it.
    #1 taka44, Sep 22, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2011
  2. Stormtrooper

    Stormtrooper Forerunner

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    seems like a cool map, ill check it out tomorrow

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'd suggest using overturned flag stands as the spikes.
  4. spy penguin

    spy penguin Forerunner

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    looks like you looked at the invasion guide rival mass made because in the second last picture looks like you used the same type of wall he made.
    anyway back to your map great idea i think the zombies shouldnt have so many spawns but still nice looking map has a real future prison feel at the start but some of the areas on the island seem empty. maybe you should add some more asthetics like a statue on the mountain and a security checkpoint on the way to the village. but stilll nice map i'll test it with some friends tomorrow.
  5. taka44

    taka44 Forerunner

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    @Sp4tterman: They'd probably be too short for my taste, but that's an idea worth checking out.
    @Spy penguin: yeah, i did look at that guide, and it kinda brought me back to forging with new ideas. Next time I forge on this map again, I'll see what I can do about those two ideas because I think those could actually turn out great, but I'm out of walls and blocks and I'd have to use decorative pieces only. Thanks for the ideas though, guys.

    ELYKNORPAC Forerunner

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    Looks good. But maybe change the span of the map, its pretty big which makes it cool but seems like to much space for only a 16 player match. Overall it looks good I'll give it a DL!

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