
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Weremidget, May 16, 2008.

  1. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Atrium Version 1.2

    Download Atrium Here!

    Update: Version 1.2 is now up, and has been published at unlike version 1. The link above has been changed accordingly, and if you could leave a rating or comment at the thread that would be just super duper. Thanks!

    Inspired heavily by the two maps that influenced it’s (practically unused) codename ‘Intersanguination’, Atrium is a map that stemmed from the mega-big map Intersection and was stirred together with my habit of making enclosed, far-too-small maps, namely Ensanguination. The result is a symmetrical, multi-leveled job with a distinctly urban feel to it. Making this map was an educational experience for me, I tried a lot of new things and I’ll admit I ‘hit a wall’ close to the end with next to no resources, a highly escapable map and an unfinished segment with a giant (****ing) claw hanging in the way. With a section cut out of the way, progress continued and the map was completed. It’s taken a long time, but I’m happy with what’s come out of it. If you were the least bit impressed by Habitat Beta, you will love this map.

    This map has Starting Points for a maximum of 8 players, I was running extremely low on resource-space by the time I got to spawns. 3v3 should be fine, but 4v4 may yield some iffy spawns, especially in slayer. I had to use Areas pretty sparingly but with a sensible amount of players it should run smoothly.

    One centre platform 2x2 Boxes in size and at one box high. From each corner of this platform stems a building that goes from the ground floor to two floors up and in some cases a bit higher. In between the buildings, coming off the four edges of the centre box, are ramps, two leading down to the ground floor, and two leading up to the second floor. At the bottoms and tops (respectively) of these ramps are sections that link up with each of the buildings. You could run a circuit through the outside of the map, through the buildings and the sections at the ends of the ramps, without going through the middle.
    The map works in Objective matches on a classic risk/reward level. If you run through the open middle section, which most players will automatically avoid, you run the risk of being attacked from any number of directions. If you take an alternate route through the outer buildings, you can move through cover, though the trek is longer and gives enemies plenty of time to catch up.

    In Slayer it functions like an open arena. Since the map is effectively square, and features four separate buildings, play spreads out evenly across the field and a balanced selection and placement of weapons helps reinforce this. Atrium is set up for every major gametype, although for some it might be better suited than others.

    Two of the buildings in opposite corners act as the ‘Bases’. They are the hubs of Starting Points and Objective items and are the two taller buildings. They twist down stairs to the ground level, or up a ramp to a sniper perch at the maximum height Foundry will allow a la Halo 2’s Ascension. In the two other corners are shorter buildings with elbow joints from the ground level up to the second floor and featuring a Fence Wall platform that can be easily jumped to from the upper stairs.

    In the very middle of the map on the platform is a single crate, and on top of that a Rocket Launcher. If you can successfully get to the middle of the map and away again then you’ve earned the minimum of two kills the Rocket Launcher should be able to net you on this map.

    Interlocked into the upper ramps from the centre on either side is a Single Box with a Machine Gun Turret, an excellent defense in Objective games.

    Well, it’s no surprise how long it took me to make this map, considering how many words it’s taken just to describe it, here's a topdown plan of the map made by an expert in Microsoft Paint. The colours show what level each part of the map is on, with lighter blue at the bottom and the darker blue at the top. The view doesn't show areas obstructed by other sections above them. Grey areas with arrows show ramps and stairs, and point in the direction that they ascend.
    6x Battle Rifles [2 Spare Clips, 60 Second Respawn]
    2x Sniper Rifles [1 Spare Clip, 180 Second Respawn]
    2x Submachine Guns [1 Spare Clip, 60 Second Respawn]
    2x Plasma Pistols [60 Second Respawn]
    2x Plasma Rifles [60 Second Respawn]
    2x Maulers [0 Spare Clips, 120 Second Respawn]
    2x Machine Gun Turrets [150 Second Respawn]*
    1x Rocket Launcher [0 Spare Ammo, 120 Second Respawn]

    4x Frag Grenades [20 Second Respawn]
    4x Plasma Grenades [20 Second Respawn]

    1x Bubble Shield [150 Second Respawn]
    1x Power Drain [180 Second Respawn]

    *The Machine Gun Turrets are a slightly special case. They have been set to not spawn at the start of a match, and spawn two and a half minutes in to avoid boring shoot offs with them at the start of the game. Also, the Attackers side Machine Gun Turret does not spawn in asymmetric gametypes.

    This is a balanced weapon set, spread evenly and carefully around the map. Plenty of dual-wieldables are available, but a more powerful combination might take a bit of time to get your hands on. The Rocket Launcher was originally set with 2 spare rockets and a longer respawn time, but it was found that it was overpowered, particularly in objective games.

    If a picture tells a thousand words, I have a short novella coming up.



    #1 Weremidget, May 16, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2009
    Aranore and kayaman132 like this.
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    looks good
    i dont know why this isn't getting the attention it should, darn mallet taking all the fame lol
    but the map is good, and theres alot of great interlocking, i also like your use of fence walls to allow more vision throught the map
  3. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks cool
    i laughed when i saw the name because it reminded me of a episode of Weeds
    just for that im gonna download it
  4. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Maybe because it only got posted five minutes ago, but I dunno. Mallet's map looks far more impressive nonetheless, you can't blame him :\

    And Phishman, I love when that sort of thing happens. A guy downloaded Habitat Alpha, another map of mine, because he thought it was a reference to Stargate or Star Trek or Star Wars or Star Miner or something...
  5. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really awsome, i think it should get featured
  6. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    Im going to dl this and give a full review once I've checked this map out. The pics show something promising.
  7. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks great I will DL. I really want to play this with my friends or during TGIF.
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this looks beautiful.
    I am dl this
  9. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Ah, the big project. The one we spent all that time trying to organize a party, just so that you could show me this. Those were good times, good times. Actually no, they were horrible and still are; Fix your NAT. Seriously.

    I love the maps layout itself, but there are some things I personally would have changed that I couldn't tell you on account of my mic, and won't elaborate on here in case I give people a reason not to like your map, which shouldn't happen anyways. The different ramps give it the feel of an asymmetric map, but I'm sure the gameplay is anything but. Props, man.

    Recommending this to the Review Hub, nicely done. Will update my post accordingly.
    #9 Mysterious D, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  10. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, downloaded and now time to review..

    Some pros
    • Very nice symmetrical map, an original setup instead of the usual same old
    • The weapon placement is pretty good (though some things need changing, will talk about it soon)
    • I like the multi level area, makes it feel bigger than what it would be normally
    Some cons
    • Just because it's symmetrical, doesn't mean you need to place 2 of every weapon in the same area, try and balance it and keep from having too many power weapons
    • Those 2 turrets are too much for a map such as this, maybe you should put grenades or other weapons in their place because they aren't very practical/too overpowered
    • Maybe use a spartan laser in the middle instead of rockets
    Hope to see more maps from you that are like this
  11. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks sweet, excellent use of interlocking
  12. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very well made, good job.
  13. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought it was great from the first screenshot! I'm downloading and I'll play through it, looks good.
  14. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, guys.

    Most issues seem to be with weapons which I can live with, but I'm interested to know what Dom wanted to say, perhaps he could PM me...?
  15. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, this does look pretty sweet, i like it reminds me of a big city or somehting idk
  16. d3adly ninja

    d3adly ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very good interlocking, very good map design its just an all-around good map ^^ I will deffinitly dl and try it out.
  17. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, guys. I think TurboGerbil was planning on doing a full review at some point.
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    qued for download, can't wait to try this out with me friends, i really like the idea of an atrium, could be really intense in that there center, nice layout, and i will get back to you wence hath played o_O
  19. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Weremidget's Atrium

    *I am using a new review format now, I won't change my old ones, but I'm going to stick to this new one.*
    Overall- A very interesting layout, very pretty, and moderately well balanced map is a refreshment around here. The great thing is, the few problems that this map has are very easy to fix, the layout, reminiscent of Intersection is so fresh, I want to give it to Subway, and watch them cry.

    Enjoyment- I had a ton of fun playing on this map, especially on team King, running in circles around that crate in the center is endlessly entertaining. This map, like Inertia, by Superfeign is one of those really FUN competitive maps you learn to love.

    Playability- Since this is a small map, there were a few spawning problems, not to the extent of spawning directly adjacent to another player, but I often spawned like 10 metres(10 yards) away from an enemy and ran into them around a corner, as well as there being an issue with the starting points being too close. After playing I found that the bases were too small for Multiflag, which sucked, because I had high hopes for the map and Flag, I guess I should try one flag, I only wish I had had enough time. I liked that we could refer to areas such as "A snipe," or "Mauler B," it makes for good gameplay. Good thing was that there was no map exploitation, and no camping.

    Creativity- Ah, inspiration, there were enough little lovely details to keep me entertained throughout. The fact that the sniper perch could be taken out from below with the clever use of a BR and the fusion coils was great, the Turret's stand was great. Some detriments were that the buildings looked a lot like intersections, and the tower parts of the map could have used a little more flair.

    Layout- This map had a very refreshing layout, the ramps and the middle, open areas were like something out of a dream, the open distance between one of the A/B towers, and the other was just enough, that a mounted/unripped turret can take out infantry from the other side, the sight lanes nerfed the sniper, but kept it useful, the area reminded me of one of my own maps, with softly flowing interior, and exterior sections, that kept people using and switching weapons. A little bit of it felt TOO much like intersection, but other than that, win.

    Appearance- Beautiful symmetry, is one way I could describe the map, the ramps, and the structures are really pretty, it just goes to show that you don't need all those "Cosmic" gadgets, and interlocked teleporters to make a map beautiful.

    Balance- One of the most important parts of a map, balance. Atrium did pretty well here, there were no unused weapons(however when I played with my brother, it just turned into a big BR/Sniper/Mauler fight, because that's how we play.) The snipers could get a little overpowering at times, as could the maulers. My suggestions are to lower the mauler's spare clips to 0, and(possibly) increase it's respawn, as well as increase the respawn for the sniper(if you can).


    • Try adding in a few carbines, in place of BRs, to mix it up.
    • Strongly consider my advice on the weapon balance.
    • Try moving the starting points farther away from eachother.
    • Experiment with the spawns, I'm sure there is something you can do.
    • Try tilting the doors at the snipe tower outward, so that the provide a little cover, but they're just steep enough, that you can't walk up them.
    • Forgot to mention earlier that the Power Drainer is generally better than the bubble shield, so you might want to consider upping the respawn time if they are the same.

    Discuss this review Here.
    #19 !nikheizen, May 19, 2008
    Last edited: May 20, 2008
  20. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks pretty darn Sweet! i love the entire idea great job!

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