Hello, happy Thursday, and welcome to the second installation of the non-staff run, funny man competition known as Caption Contest 21. First off, you all lose. There were so many ways the last picture could have been manipulated to be genuinely funny. However, most participants resorted to the obvious sex joke. You need to go deeper, pardon the pun. Just so we're clear, rape isn't funny, guys. And if you think so then go to prison or the Hub Pub to experience it in all of its decadence. You will come out a changed man. Even most women come out changed men especially in the Hub Pub. That aside, I was genuinely surprised that none of our fervent meme users here made this connotation: Anything along those lines probably would have received an insta-win, but since no one bothered, the poor judges of this competition had to sift through all of the entries to manually choose a winner. Tallt66 takes the gold of the previous Caption Contest for his entry that was pleasantly dry and not rape related: Tallt66 will be receiving a brand spanking new CT reading, "The Joker" to commemorate his valiant victory here today. A worthy mention also goes to a man who integrated something so deliciously dated into Halo Reach in a manner that catches the viewer off guard to render the chuckle that so many other pictures following this same dialogue do not. Good job Dizzyman572. Now let us move forward. This is your next opportunity to score a neat Custom Title. As with the last Caption Contest, all you have to do to enter is come up with a witty caption for the picture below that you think everyone will find funny. Do not forget, there are still rules. There were a few posts that bordered on spam last contest, and this time I may be less lenient. • Each member is limited to only one caption. If you post an entry but later come up with a better one, simply edit your original post with the new caption in place of the old. You do not have to post notifying the judges that your entry has changed. • Please keep your submissions within our forum rules; avoid offensive language, racism, comments disclosing another member’s identity, and any other inappropriate content. • You may NOT post a caption that may offend another member. • No discussion in the Caption Contest thread! This is for submissions only. Any submission that breaks these rules will be deleted and will receive and infraction! The deadline for submissions is next Thursday and the winner will be announced in the next article. Following suit with the choice of subject matter in the last Caption Contest, using an Elite that is on the opposite side of the knife, or bumper in this case, seemed to be a perfect fit. You are allotted to use any editing software available to you to make your point or you may simply write your caption into the text editor. The choice is yours and does not directly influence the choice of winner either way. Should you win the Caption Contest you will be awarded a Custom Title reading "The Joker" to reflect your jocular value. A runner-up will also be selected, but instead of receiving the Custom Title, he will receive an honorable mention in the next Caption Contest article. Let the funniest man win. -Organite
Thanks for the custom CT, I will wear it proudly for being the least offensive caption of the contest lol
"Stop! You have violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit."