Unconquered (CE Inspired)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AtlasIsShruggin, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This room is a death trap. Of course you can have long sightlines, but not as wide and simple as this. The cover is absolutely useless. The long lines of sight in the CE maps are limited by technical cover, whereas the only cover in this map is the lazy cover from the bunkers. You only have one way out when in one of the gaps, you're predictable, and it is also very easy to throw nades to clean up kills.

    It really needs to be more complex and deep.

    There's not even any reason to go there. No reward for the risk.
    #21 Hulter, Sep 22, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2011
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Exactly. There are some long LoS in H:CE maps, but usually not this wide. The only time you see a long, wide LoS is when two sections do not directly connect to each other.

    There was some sketchy connection and awkward spawns that I could help you with. GT The Xzample

    I hope you stick to H:CE style maps, because this one has some great features and your maps will only get better in time.
  3. omegawontons

    omegawontons Forerunner

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    i like this map. its very clean and the aesthetics are just right. gameplay seems balanced enough, so you got my download. does kinda feel like a halo ce map
  4. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks Cyborg! The map's framerate drop is so minor I'm impressed you noticed it. There is another version of the map in my fileshare called "Unconquered MM" This map has no framerate drop and will be updated regularly as I continue working on the matchmaking version.

    Thanks Preacher, it's been along way since Fountainhead eh? Actually I've been wanting to update that one for awhile now. Maybe it's time to revisit it?

    Thanks Lannders! It's always nice when a map gets this kind of reaction :) I hope you continue to enjoy Unconquered!

    The reason I feel confident defending that hallway is because of the maps Unconquered is based on. Damnation has a very large open area at the bottom that is very easy to get picked off from. Yes it has an overshield, but players still cross the treacherous path even with it's tricky jumps. Why? Because players use that path to flank the other team. This hallway has much the same purpose. It is also shorter and has an exit half way through the path.

    The other reason is I've never heard a complaint from any of the testers about that hallway. Battles that occur there are usually 1v1 so the pathway does follow it's intended purpose. That being said I went to the testers after you raised your argument to see if they felt it needed changed. Most of them actually hated the idea. The hallway is a necessary part of the map as it adds to the flow and strategy of it. I also brought up the cover issue and most of the players love the way you can vault over the piece and rush to the middle door or a player up top. It makes for a great encounter.

    That being said I will experiment with other types of cover for future tests.

    Thanks for your posts!

    Thanks Omega! Balance was perhaps the hardest part of getting the map right, but I finally hit the sweet spot. I hope you enjoy my hard work :)
  5. DefiniteSpartan

    DefiniteSpartan Forerunner

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    sweet map man, really well laid out, and i like the originality and the detail put in it. good to see someone who also has been inspired by the halo CE maps, they are classics. i want to get a game going sometime with my mates on this map.
  6. DaWorsePlyrHere

    DaWorsePlyrHere Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is definetly a diffrent map from you. I am in awe at the skill you transitioned here. The ease with which you blocked off the sections in the Damnation style of map is great. In defense of the sight lines and open areas is the simple fact of map flow. The hallway people are complaining about has to be this open. I played three 4v4 games on this with my friends (Slayer and CTF) and the hallway is always the overflow/ flank route. This is true for both teams. If you simply look at the pics I can see the confusion but the fact that it has a dropdown at one end with a quick exit route makes it very simple for red to see if it can go that way. As well the midpoint opening makes it hard for Blue to simply camp it because anyone with simple nade skills can cause a retrograde on that side.... Play the map its flow is great. ATLAS hit me up on your next playtest
  7. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're forgehubbers, though. You don't usually do setups and you usually don't use control points to your advantage that much. It's an obvious flaw, easy to spot for competitive players.

    I know the atrium with the platforms and OS, on Dammy, is wide and big, but sightlines to it are still restricted. There is no area that has a completely open view of it, appart from Sniper bridge and low snipe, which are both weak positions, easily rayped by people in other places. Also, those lines of sight aren't completely straight, which would be boring, and is boring in that one hallway of your map.

    It's not the same thing.

    It's like the difference between calling your best friend a fat, stupid pig, and calling some sensitive girl in your class the same. Just because it works in one of the occasions, with certain circumstances, it doesn't neccesarily have to work in the other.
  8. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    Congrats on winning a favorite! I played a couple games on this the other day and everyone had good things to say. I really like what you did with the area to the right in the first picture. That window fits the footpaths well. anyways congrats again -Tom
  9. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Damnation's "pit" was the focal point of the map, meaning that it can be seen from all angles. Having a long, straight LoS down a long, straight hallway provides stale battles, especially if they have minimal strafing room and few exit routes.

    As I said before, a LoS that long and narrow is only acceptable if the two furthest points of view do not directly connect to each other.

    Not to sound rude, but if they hated the idea...it's because they don't know any better.

    And you didn't even ask me how to solve the problem, so how could they hate the idea, when you don't even know the solution?

    As for the connection, it seems to be the most significant issue on the map. You have jump ups and 45 degree ramps that are placed only due to lack of forseeing how much room you need to provide a smooth connection.
  10. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not commenting on the layout, but just concerns I have for screenlag.

    Your object use is great when it comes to aesthetic appeal and tidiness, but you have lots of objects with lights that don't actually need to be there. The main piece I'm getting at is the 2x2 ramp, steeps. I would suggest to NEVER use those as walls. I can completely understand when you make a smooth corner connecting two 2x2 tall's for example. But as a wall, use a ramp bridge, large and rotate it at either a 27, 63, 117, or 153 degree angle (whichever one lines it up as a wall/floor) and place those there instead. You have around 10 of those objects and they all have a light on them, and they can easily be replaced to reduce possible screenlag.

    Secondly, I think I recall seeing a bridge, large or a bridge, XL being used as a simple wall, which that object has several lights on them. That can be replaced by lots of objects, which I would suggest a 2x4 block, 3x3 short (backside), or 1x2's.

    Lastly, this one is obvious, but you have those orange lights that should go IMO. As good as it looks, I would suggest removing them to improve the map's compatibility. It also doesn't help having both lights when they are in the same spot.

    I realize the aesthetic touches you have on here, but those 2x2 steep ramps can easily go as well as the bridge, large, but I noticed screenlag in forge mode. I realize that in forge it's more likely, but I'm just letting you know that possibilities of screenlag are still there, especially with nades exploding and other chaotic gameplay going on.

    But it's all up to you. It's a nice layout, keep it up
  11. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    I've already stated that I'm open to looking at other pieces of cover for the hallway and since we've added each other on live I do hope we have a chance to look at Unconquered together and see your ideas. The issue lately is how busy I have been with work. I manage a microbrewery and in and around oktoberfest is the busiest time of year for me. As an example I'm replying on my phone in the middle of a 14 hour shift. But if you're up for it I do want to see your ideas. Wednesday should be available for me.

    Also what steep ramps are you talking about? In the version released to FH there are no steep ramps. The beta did have one so are you looking at an older version?

    Edited by merge:

    You're right when you say there is a slight lag to the map in customs its only a few players who notice it. It is very minor which is why I was ok with it for this version. There are two versions of the map, one for customs and the other is being worked on for matchmaking. I knew that for the matchmaking version I was going to have to sacrifice some of the aesthetic value so I wanted to make sure the custom addition was a more aesthetically pleasing piece and showed more of my personality. The lights are the main issue, more correctly the fact that there are two to make sure the light carries as far as possible. Without them the lag is nonexistent. But for this version I wanted to keep the lights to show people how I view the map in it's entirety.

    If you would like to see the matchmaking version and help cut down and test the framerate on live send me a friend request on the xbox. I'd love to get your input!

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks tom! And thanks for all the support when I was forging the map I can't wait to see what you do next :)

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks! Its good to see players way in on both sides of the argument. And my friend it has been far too long since we forged or played together. We will have to fix that :)
    #31 AtlasIsShruggin, Oct 3, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  12. Toxicjestervii

    Toxicjestervii Forerunner

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    This is an amazing map, the best I've seen from you so far. I'm very pleased to have been a part of the testing process (I guess we can't all be remembered, lol ).

    As for those of you criticizing the hallway, I've played a few dozen games on this map and it plays fine. Even some of us 'Forgehubbers' actually play competively so don't let your ego's get too overblown. Negative feedback can be useful, and its not to say that this map is perfect but it has been through a rather rigorous and painstaking process, I know because I was there to witness a good bit of it. It's easy to judge a great piece of work harshly, a lot harder to create one.

    Atlas I believe you have built a simple, solid, playable map with high replay value. I would love to see this one in matchmaking.
  13. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know a lot of forgehubbers play competitively.

    Don't assume I have an ego because I'm from MLG.

    I'm sure the creator put a lot of time into it, most forgers do, but that has no impact on my view of the map.

    If you post a map, you should be prepared for feedback. If there is an area for improvement, I will comment on it. Regardless of if my feedback is harsh or not, if it is logical, the creator should be thankful that I pointed out a problematic area so they can improve the map.

    You should want your map to be the best it possibly can, not "good enough".

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    This map reminds me a ton of the Halo: CE style. Halo: CE featured very diverse features, including varying spaces of open and closed environments, even within the same map, which is something you do very well here. And the whole point of it being asymmetrical is also a great touch. All that feel of playing on an older-type map is really nostalgic. I really wished that there were more people that were inspired to make something from CE. Nice work!
  15. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks! You guys can look forward to a proper Version 2 soon! Just ironing out some last details. And I promise all of your concerns were taken into account :)
  16. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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