Hey there. I am iun the process of remaking the classic multiplayer maps Terminal and Burial Mounds. As many of you probably already know, i posted a thread and asked you what maps you wanted remade. It was a stalemate so why not do both. Resort is what i will be naming my remake of Burial Mounds and Terminal will be Uplift.
Just to help you not cause any confusion... That's what I thought you were talking about in the thread title, and why I clicked. Regardless, I'm still interested in a Burial Mounds and Terminal remake because I really liked those two maps, especially Terminal. Can't wait to see how you manage to make them.
I'm thinking of putting a killball instead of the train. Either that or a 10 second kill boundary would work well. It's a slow process and they probably won't be finished until next year thanks to the game season (Saints Row 3, Halo CEA, MW3) but i will be doing a little bit every time i go on Reach. I'm just lucky i have 2 TV's and an original XBOX or i wouldn't even bother doing it. But i will try my best to make it both accurate and fun.
Terminal should have been remade into reach... just saying. But anyways good luck with these remakes I hope they turn out well! Also just giving you heads up that Terminal has been remade before... but it was mediocre. Do it well and Ill give you a cookie (and maybe Ill make a video for your map).
thanks for the luck, Cryppy!. I have seen remakes of both of these maps but as you said they weren't that well made. I hope that both of these remakes come out good.
A ten second Kill zone on the track would be bad for flag carriers, as it could be reset. Also, I have seen one remake of Terminal that was decent, though it had some framerate. I believe it was called Terminal 777. I'm excited about Burial Mounds though, I've never seen that done even close to right.
Thanks for the inspiring words. I will make two versions of each map. The first will be a thourough remake and the second will be tweaked to fit the way that people play nowadays.
I have faith in you that you will do your best to create two of the funnest halo maps there have ever been in style . I would say to not worry about replacing the train, as in halo 2 it was just a interesting way to die as you attempted a flag run and failed miserably due to the 300 mph train splattering your face. Just work on the area itself as with reach's gameplay and the tweaks up coming with Halo CEA, that will be more than fitting in my opinion, if you need help or such hit me up GT: SilentRaine and goodluck with this project.
yeah i will ask for your help when i need it. Until then, i will continue the slow process towards finishing the map.
I'd recoment making Burial Mounds on the Island, with Orange. Terminal on Tempest maybe, for the scenery?
I hope that you're aware that Uplift is the name of a map in Halo 2 PC (and the name of it as a possible remake is what brought me into the thread) and might confuse or mislead people into thinking the map is something else altogether. Maybe come up with a better name for your Terminal remake (NOT metropolis, too many of those already) that would be less confusing, like uhhh, uhhh, I don't know, Station, or something else more original than I can come up with. But yeah, I'd like to see good remakes of these two maps, keep at it.
But...but those maps have already been remade. Not to be selfish, but I'd much rather see a Waterworks remake, if you could pull it off.
that would be a terrible idea. Orange makes it all dark and only tints the entire environment orange. No i'm going to use none of the special fx is either of these maps and i'm using a part of the canyon for Burial Mounds. As for terminal, i have thought about a different name but nothing has come to mind yet. Tempest is too small for terminal anyway.
Please don't put a killball in the tracks. Instead use a soft killzone so that it can be traveled but not camped on. Now are you remaking both maps seprately or are you making a map combinining the two?