I really need help moving my ipod music to my iphone. I do everything it tells me to do and it still doesn't let me. It says that this computer isn't authorized to play the songs. But this computer is where i bought them. Can someone please walk me through the steps to help me see whats I did wrong? Thanks
Don't buy them on itunes, or get a itunes DRM unlocker. Google it. (itunes unlocker, itunes drm unlocker, itunes song free, etc/whatever)
Im not a iphone specialist, however I would go to apple and see if there is anything on their support site. -Donuts
you have to authorize your computer...if uve already authorized 5, make sure to deauthorize one before you do this...go to Store>Authorize Computer...once your authorized with the account you bought the songs with, it should work btw helpful ipod tip: DONT try to turn on ur ipod to see if it works if u leave it in the washer... :-[
Hey! That happened to me, mine works except for all of the buttons! I dropped my zune in the toilet, but it came back and everything works on it -Donuts
you can authorize 5, so dont worry about deauthorizing then, just authorize the computer your trying to use and soggy...same here! my buttons kinda work if i press them in hard
Here is a guide that will let you dump the music onto your hard drive, from there, you should be able to transfer it to your iPhone. Just scroll down to the "Windows" section and follow the instructions. Some 3rd party apps are also displayed on that page, those could help too.
Hi, you can try Lenogo iPod to PC Transfer for Mac. It is an ultimate application for transferring songs from an iPod to a Mac based PC.
You all (Except Soggy) are here by now labeled as traitors of microsoft! O and btw is there a way to make the ipod unfreeze or do i just let it die?
What Insane said should work, however there's another way, that might be a little confusing. I've had to do this several times, because everytime one computer breaks down and we get another one, I have to transfer all the songs from an iPod to the computer, then to iTunes, because it doesnt let me Sync it with more than one computer at a time, unless I delete everything in it. Stupid right!? OK, so here are the steps: Obviously, put your iPod in the computer you want the songs in Open My Computer Click on the iPod icon, or whatever shows up in there. Click on the Tools option at the bar thing Check the option to see Hidden Folders/Files Click inside Music All of your songs are in there, now just simply Copy/Cut & Paste them in your computer or directly to your iPhone in this case, if it works. Although they might have weird titles like SG64DS364 on your computer when you look at them, they show up exactly how they were on your iPod on iTunes, iPhone, or any other music playing software you have. Hope I helped oh, and Wired's How-To Wiki Has Moved! From Wired How-To Wiki Jump to: navigation, search Ooops! Wired's How-To Wiki has moved, and the page you're requesting has moved along with it. Letting you know
I believe if you hold down the center button and the menu button (maybe play) for 10 seconds that should restart your ipod. If you have an iPhone or an iTouch I'm not sure....