cmd.exe C:\_ running boot program cold storage chamber 0174 core temperature -202C lock room temperature -193C query_ \status . . . . _ sys status: rebooting coolant lv: normal cryostasis: breached neurotoxin: offline power grid: online query_ \help . . _ All lock chambers from chamber 0174 have been sealed due to an enviornmental disaster of apocalyptic conditions. Any and all further function of chamber 0174 will be carried out by this installation's AI construct to prevent further damage to this facility. This message will repeat upon further question. query_ ______________________________________________________________ Welcome back user! query_ \surv . . _ You do not have full administrative privileges required to execute this command.To activate administrative user status, please enter your security code. pass_ \overide The security code you have entered is incorrect! \reenter pass_ \jacobsw The security code you have entered is incorrect! \reenter pass_ \axisseven. . . . _ Loading Welcome Admin user! query_ \surv . . . . _ Accessing Registering 0174 surveillance archive One (1) debuff anomaly registered on [**/**/****] Footage OUT #4 No further surveillance anomalies have been recorded. query_ ______________________________________________________________ Welcome Admin user! query_ \surv . . . . _ Accessing Registering 0174 surveillance archive No debuff anomalies registered since previous scan Footage OUT #4 query_ \crsum_jw . . . . _ Accessing ONI Database Official Summary Log Date: 03/10/2558 Time: 22:36 Submit: TL Jacobs, William We started testing today. Everything went great, that is according to ONI, who apparently believes that someone accidentally getting shot in the face is in accordance with a "great" test. None of us agree with what is happening here, but we obviously can't do anything about it. ______________________________________________________________ End of entry \next Oni Database Official Summary Log Date: 03/17/2558 Time: 23:16 Submit: TL Jacobs, William It's just human nature I guess. Progressing from an effective and expensive metal, to a flimsy, cheap, synthetic. Stealing children from there home was bad enough, but what we're doing here is just wrong. I'm not a religious person. I'm not trying to make myself out as one, either. I do however believe, with every fiber of my being, in one thing: No one should play God. ______________________________________________________________ End of entry query_
Ok, you have me intrigued sir. Is there anyway we could get maybe one or two more pics, just so we can get a better taste of what is to come?
The realism was outstanding in my eyes. I recognize the commands, making it all the more descriptive. If there's any way you could design the full post in that format while still retaining basic understanding resolve for all members, that would be a hell of a way to go with a map post.
query_ /what? Is this an infection map or something? Also on your sig I see a similar pattern to your advertizing Actually, you know what? The more I read the OP the more I respect you, despite having nothing else to go off of.
loving this presentation, Intrigued about the map. I assume you plan to update this periodically so we get some more info later?
It's like an ARG, but not one! If nothing else, this thread is the most memorable Preview I've seen on ForgeHub. I am intrigued, OP.
This is probably the most creative, entertaining, suspenseful map preview I've ever seen. Major props as you've caught my attention as well as the attention of many others. The only thing I ask is that you provide more, clearer pictures. Other than that, I can tell that you have put a lot of thought into this and I'm looking forward to seeing the map.
So, this is a map based on Cold Storage or something cold. I believe it is an ONI facility used for cryostoring living beings. The nuerotoxin being offline leads me to belive that this is an infection map. This is hands down the best preview I have ever seen. Looking forward to seeing the map!
Hahaha I posted a preview once with this level of intrigue and it annoyed everyone so much that I got spammed with messages asking to see the actual map. Looks good, as in the OP does. The screenshots look a bit fuzzy though...
Well done, people should follow you're example. Suspenseful, surprising and realistic. You're awesome.
Welcome User! query_ \bumpedit . . _ New information is avaliable at chamber terminal 0174! All users are required to view post of origin.
The pictures are amazing and the back story is brilliantly tought without any actual description. When this launches, expect a dowload from me.
The July 11th update was the last time I updated the OP with important story related junk. I was going to post more, but after advertisement infractions and the arguments between me, you, and Neoshadow I decided against it. The only reason this is back at the front page is because Epic Chief bumped it. As well, I may have lost all of my work due to the canvas getting saved over it. Unless someone I had showed it to has saved it, I'll have to either rebuild it or just drop everything and move on.
For some reason I saw your post as 1 Hour ago instead of July 11th and though you had bumped not EpicCheif. I feel so fail.