DUDE, ever heard of spoiler tags? I made a point not to look at any presumptions before it arrived. Just got it, btw WOOOOOT
It doesn't really matter, though I was trying to come at it completely objectively and I feel like that altered my experience. It is, after all, the last in the series, I thought I'd enjoy it without presumptions. My point being, it was a spoiler simply because it spoiled my experience, no matter its degree. It's better to be safe and put spoiler tags around stuff instead of sorry and get a long spiel from some guy with too much time on his hands. Enough said
a single adjective is not a spoiler. how does an adjective describing another's personal opinion change your own experience of it? also, beast mode is very enjoyable. (not a spoiler btw)
Haha yeah. I didn't have any new games to trade in. Dead Space 2 was the most recent one a had and they only gave me 13 bucks for it:/ I've played through the first act and it's intense
Game is amazing. I went to the midnight sale. Graphics are top-notch and as well as the campaign. I haven't played Horde 2.0 yet, but i'm excited.
I'm stopping, this is a stupid argument. Although rather frustrating, to continue would be pointless.
I lol'd. But from now on, and this isnt directed towards you Vice, any spoilers not in spoilers will be infracted. I know I dont want spoilers and neither does everyone else and by not putting them in spoilers, you're being an idiot.
Spoiler NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! also Spoiler whatever happened to Griffin? Did he ever follow through with his crappy threat?
Spoiler Now see those are proper spoilers. And you know Gears mate, they always leave holes in the plot. Lots and lots of loose ends that will never be sorted out. Here is a big one for you. What happened to the Kryll?
Did that even need to be spoilered? Anyway, I'm hoping to rent this on friday. I got in a couple of multiplayer matches at my friends house, and I ****ing love it. It's amazingly fun, so much better than the previous gears games (Which I adored).
Got it launch day like a bawss. Horde maps are pretty good. Chainsaw still isn't tuned down enough IMO.
Spoiler Sorry I'm just not that big a fanboy that I would import books that are not available here just to catch up on back story and side strands that should have been covered in the games. Also from now on I fully intend to reply to this thread in spoiler tags, even if there are no spoilers in it what so ever.