[SIZE=+2]World Events[/SIZE] December 28th, 2019: International tensions that had been on the rise finally snapped as North Korea declared war on South Korea, and desecrated everything within 50 miles of the border with their massive mortar assembly in a brutal surprise attack to follow the long and coming declaration. December 29th, 2019: The vastly superior South Korean Air Force retaliated to disable North Korean artillery stations and target population centers. However, they were opposed by massive amounts of unexpected Chinese fighters and routed. December 30th, 2019: U.S. Armed Forces are quick to enter the area, due to the massive tension between the U.S. and China, finally a chance to pay off the "unique" debt that had formed in 2013. January 3rd, 2020: With the massive U.S. Military, Air Force, and Navy at their back, the tides quickly turn and the South launches an Invasion on North Korean soil. July 18th, 2020: The massive joint U.S. and South Korean Air Force overruns the Chinese fighters and bombs away the North's numerical advantage. July 31st, 2020: U.S. Forces locate rudimentary North Korean biological research on protein mutations. They secure it and quickly send it back to the continental U.S. August 2nd, 2020: The U.S. Government quickly begins research on the Korean protein research, shrouded in secrecy. The research is carried out aboard a submarine, off the coast of Cape Cod. The sub is armed with a multiple failsafes and containment measures, the final line of defense being a nuclear self-destruct. November 8th, 2020: The pseudo-proxy war between the U.S. and China finally breaks into an all out war as China attacks surprise attacks the U.S. 9th Fleet, anchored in Japan, totally destroying it. At the same time attacking U.S. forces in Korea, however failing to wipe them out with the same efficiency. November 9th, 2020: After routing the attack on the Korean based forces, the U.S. wasted no time in retaliating, choosing to launch a heavy counterattack with assets already in South Korea while at the same time moving massive amounts of troops and Navy assets to Japan and other near-China locations. November 12th, 2020: China attempts to move the fight away from their territory by launching a series of massive blitz-style attacks into the American forces. This continues for one year, a massive push and pull across the West Pacific, often known as the "Second Pacific Campaign". December 21st, 2020: Chinese espionage finally reaches deep enough in the U.S. Government to locate "Project 246", a U.S. Government biological research project centered on a submarine off the coast of Cape Cod. December 22nd, 2020: They find that the U.S. Gov. had located a highly dangerous protein which is only present in about 2% of the human population. It's effects, however, are adverse. It converts people to infect others, as the protein released chemicals into the body which can reproduce the protein mutation if transferred to another "host" body. The effects of this were sheer biological instinct to spread the protein to other humans, as it failed to convert animals and insects; it simply killed them. December 14th, 2021: Finally, American forces gained enough of an advantage to launch an attack on the Chinese mainland. January 17th, 2022: The U.S. Task Force secures itself on the Chinese mainland, a distraction to cover the upcoming attack. January 20th, 2022: American Air Force and Navy forces used their massive superiority to wipe out the massive Chinese numerical advantage. July 21th, 2022: Seeing it as a way to destabilize the American Economy and War Machine, the Chinese leak the information found on the submarine in a simple form to the American public, in a the form of religion. July 30th, 2022: The Chinese plan worked in the expected way; a massive, publicly accepted cult-like following was formed, which was based around salvation from the protein and the unconstitutionality of the U.S. Gov., and how it was to all begin with the fall of the U.S. Government. August 15th, 2022: There is all out chaos on the mainland as minor riots are taken as the beginning by the religious following, often called the "Zealots". The National Guard clamps down it's fist on the continent, and the situation in China began to degrade as strain on American supply lines became extreme as it has to fight on two fronts. July 18th, 2023: Finally, the situation becomes too extreme and the U.S. recalls forces from Chinese soil to secure the continent against the anarchy. All is lost for the U.S. Goverment as the rebel Zealots close in on in a surprise attack D.C. However, in a final attempt to contain the situation, the Gov sent out a broadcast to inform the returning forces of the current situation. They proceeded to launch EMP attacks on the continental U.S. and the Chinese mainland. Later that day, the Government was finally overthrown by the rebels, and the rebels immediately launched the weaponized protein compound into the atmosphere to begin the "salvation". July 19th, 2023: The armed forces arrive back and drive the rebels off the coast. However, the agent was in the atmosphere, and the infections began. September 20th, 2023: With all communication with the outside world gone, U.S. Armed Forces fight up to the Rocky Mountains alone, routing Zealots and infected alike. October 21th, 2023: The Zealots didn't resist or purge the Infection as the Armed Forces did. Within a month, the entire eastern half of America was overrun by massive amounts of Infected. December 25th, 2023: The Armed Forces begin the Reclamation Campaign. January 3rd, 2029 [CURRENT]: After a long and hard war, Army and Air Force joint forces level the city of NYC, however many of the Air Force pilots were shadow Zealots who were waiting to allow the infection to take control again fired on the forces and drew zombies in from the west to wipe them out. Attack on New York City, 2029 Spoiler The air lit up around him as the massive wall of Abrams tanks fired in unison. The sound was massive, and impressive. Dangerous. Other soldiers were cheering into their radios, and I was too. They weren't going to win. No chance. The Brooklyn gate bridge began to crumble as massive 120 MM shells bombarded it's structure. It remained standing, defiant for about a minute before it fell to a watery grave, and brought the undead down with it. More cheering. Missiles from the Apache attack helicopters and ground based launchers bloomed out, heading at the impressive Skyline which lay across the river. Massive explosions ripped apart steel and concrete towers, which housed huge amounts of undead. Salvos from the tanks joined in, and they pummeled their own iconic city. The Empire State Building fell as the high-powered explosives destroyed the area. This continued for about five minutes, before it all began. The cheers stopped when slowly, they began to crawl out of the water onto the bank of the river. At first there was only a few, but gradually their numbers increased. They disappeared under a bombardment of shells from the tanks. However, every time one fell, another rose to take it's place. After a few hours, they had reached the distance at which conventional firearms were viable to use. It was disheartening and terrifying, striking hard again and again only to have them shrug it off and continue again and again. I raised my SAW, or Squad Automatic Weapon, pulled the action back and chambered a round, then opened up. They fell by the dozens. I couldn't really tell if it was my bullets or someone else's, but I didn't care. As long as they were dead, I didn't give a -blam!-. Soon the dreaded click came, and I began the process of reloading whilst another soldier covered my position. I had just finished placing the ammunition box into the receiver when a frantic voice came over the radio: "-blam!-, -blam!-! They goddamn got through.... *static, then gunfire* -blam!-! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. RUN, RUN LIKE HELL!" I turned with the other men in the back line as we saw the zombies pouring in from the left. The Abrams next to us fired again, and the Apaches swooped overhead. Something was said over the radio, but I didn't hear it nor did I bother to listen. It because evident a second later however, what it meant. Missiles streaked down from the Apaches directly into some of our forces, others further to the west, but I couldn't see the direct point of impact. I started a dead run, clutching my fully loaded SAW as huge explosions hit all around me. Men were dying left and right, zombies were everywhere. Instinct told me to run. As I ran, I saw a fellow soldier in a trench firing a .203 at the zombies which were crawling all over the surface of an intact Abrams. The tank fired, but the shot went wild and struck friendly forces. I quickly eyed a zombie behind him, closing in on him fast. He was totally oblivious. I shouted: "LOOKOUT, THERE IS A MOTHER-blam!- ZOMBIE BEHIND YOU!" However, he turned to face me instead of turning to kill the zombie. It grabbed him and he screamed. I still remember that scream to the day... The zombie ripped his neck apart and they both tumbled into the trench as he made a horrific gurgling noise. I carefully lobbed a grenade into the area, and turned to continue running. I never heard it go off though; far too many larger explosions. I kept running. I was out of time. Survivors were firing back at the Apaches now: They began exploding and falling out of the sky. One landed to the right of me, and a group of other soldiers that had appeared while I was trying to save the poor .203 gunner. The Apache careened into down into a Humvee, and they both disappeared in the explosion. Behind it, an Abrams fired and the shot flew overhead. Zombies rushed over the wreckage and into the tank. It's entire surface was covered with them. This distracted me and I was only alerted to the danger when a soldier behind me began firing. Looking around, zombies were rushing in over the wreckage from the Helicopter crash. I fired, as did the other soldiers. The zombies began to drop, but not fast enough. They gained ground faster and faster. The soldiers were shouting we weren't going to make it. They were right. The G's refused to be stemmed or routed. They kept coming in dozens. Some soldiers were running out of ammo. We briefly debated which route to take, shouting to each other over the sound of horrendous explosions, the constant hollow, dead moans of the G's, and the occasional surviving Abrams mortar or Humvee's .50 MG. We began to retreat back in the direction of the river. Whilst we fell back, the soldiers were shouting a debate on which direction would be the best to escape, intermittently firing their weapons and conversing. "The west is mother-blam!- swarming with them. All the noise from the vehicles moving into position must have drawn them in from Buffalo or some other -blam!--beyond all recognition infested area. West is NOT a -blam!- option." A calm and collected soldier, unlike the rest of us, shouted: "The best route would be to hook south around Pittsburgh, and from there head for the Rockies. They still are holding out there. I don't know if D.C. managed to hold up against the -blam!- storm or not. Not worth risking all our lives just to find out." A chorus of agreements came over the gunfire and explosions. Time to roll. However, the quickest way to get around and out was back through the mass of tanks, zombies, and clusters of survivors firing at each other, as well as other zombies. It looked like hell. We moved into it. Burning wreckage and dead men were everywhere. Some were squirming on the ground. We were sure to put a round into their brains before they reanimated. Moving deeper in, it because terrifying. Blood was splattered everywhere. It was grotesquely splattered across the sides of destroyed tanks and overturned Humvees. Many dead still held weapons in the ready position, as if they never got the chance to use them. However, closer investigation revealed they were not dropped by zombies, they were riddled with bullet wounds. We continued south, through the sickening massacre from "friendly fire", as well as the never ending tide of G's. An Apache swooped overhead, missiles streaking away from it. Explosions. Screaming. A second later, an Abrams 120MM shell accompanied by a massive BOOM! struck the helicopter dead center. It crumpled, and a second later violently exploded. Seconds later the Abrams that had fired into it exploded. No visible missile trail however, which didn't quite add up. A fully automatic 30-round burst came from what sounded like an M16. More fully auto fire. Screams. I wheeled around to find a group of Marines exchanging fire another group of Army guys further down. I was confused by the sight. I would've been concerned at any other time, but not then. We decided on a plan of action. A group of heavy MG gunners stayed about 25 yards back with their weapons hot while we went in. If any of the Marines so much as twitched in the wrong direction, they'd be riddled with bullets in seconds. The other group of us slowly approached, weapons hot. I shouted: "Why the -blam!- are you shooting at you're goddamned allies?" A Marine who was reloading an M4A1 grimly replied: "The -blam!-s started shouting about divine salvation when the G's started pouring in. Next thing we know the Apaches started bombing us to hell and they opened up into our backs. Killed 20 of us before we even knew what was happening. The survivors in my unit backed up behind this tank and fought back. I don't know about the rest; it all went to hell in a second." I hollered back: "Well, isn't this one giant cluster-blam!-.Communications with command hasn't been reestablished since the nukes hit, and we think D.C. finally got overrun. We're heading for the Rockies, they are still holding out there I hear. You want to come?" The Marine grimly refused, stating they were -blam!- beyond all help, but they were bringing the bastards that tried to wipe them out with them. With that, he returned to firing at the enemy. We moved to the east, around the firefight. Through the burning and dead mass of man and machine. Back through the city. Back through hell. Creator: ZipZapZop Recommended Players: 12 - 16 Gameplay (Outdated version of map) Halo Reach Infection Map: Zombie War - YouTube [size=+2]Survivors[/size] Slightly stronger than the Infected. Watch your back and stay together or else you'll end up one of them. [size=+2]The Infected[/size] Weak alone, strong in a group. We should all know this about zombies, so Infected, stay together and attack in groups and your ranks will swell. You will always know the survivor(s) position. "The beginning of the end." Survivor Spawn. Get moving fast, or you will meet an (untimely) demise. Once you reach the Metro station, holdout until the door switch spawns. Don't forget to grab any guns you find along the way. You'll need them. Once the door is open, you must traverse the metro tunnels. This particular Metro crashed when zombies boarded it and killed the operator. The area is overrun with passengers who never made it to their destination. Once you reach the jammed door, holdout until it's switch appears.. Once it's open, Find your way back to the surface. Stray from the beaten path, and you may find yourself one of them in a hurry. Once you reach the surface, you've made it far. But there is still farther to go. The ominous skyline. You must reach the Saferoom at the end of the street. Once there, stay alive until the door spawns. Once it's in, shoot it and it will drop down. If you've made it this far, congratulations. You've survived. The Infected A network of teleporters is in place to deliver you to the humans, sometimes with devastating results. These will change over time. Teleporter Hub at 2:10 Comment(s) If you read all that backstory, great. Feel free to critique my writing skills. If you didn't, it's ok as I had fun writing it. This was inspired by Rifte Gifle. Strategies will be edited in at some point in the near future... I might make a fancy doo-da image for it, but it won't be pretty as my image editing skills are next to none. Cheers and enjoy.
Well nice infection map you have over there its very emm.....purplish.Well its very blocky but it looks a bit nice for some reason.The Metro station look great and il give this a 8.5/10
lol, Yeah I got carried away... Oh well though. I love writing itself, so I don't mind if people read it or not.
You know, after I fought my way through Trojan: Fire & Ice Ads n' such, I found your map to look very nice and detailed indeed. The building don't just look like... how do I put this... walls. To add to the aesthetics and gameplay, I enjoyed listening to your sarcasm based humor on your video, and your lack of set skills to actually play competitively in Halo. hahahah. It was great. Awesome map dude.
I remember playing this lol. Really fun map, though it looks a little to... square to be interesting to look at. Nevertheless, the metro station is A+, and I really like the map. Good thing you added those Line of Sight blockers for the second holdout though, I remember it being hard for the infected on that one...
I consider myself the best. Vehicle spawn camping in BTB lololol. And thanks. I'll try to do something with the buildings that will look better. Dunno what though...
Just from the video, I see a bunch of things that need to be tweaked. Firstly, radar, better if its gone. Zombies have no chance if the humans see them coming. Also DMR, decrease the amount of ammo. 3 clips? At most, keep it at 15. Im going to download it and check it out for my self.
I tweaked a bunch of stuff, the gameplay is on an outdated version of the map, ammo for lots of the weapons is lower in the downloadable version. Oh and, using the new custom gametype humans have no radar.
i see you have continued the tradition born in halo 3 of writing a awesome story for your map, witch i love. to bad the map is well... pretty well the same map you made since you started making infection maps, (lone survivors in a doomed city) but purpler.
Thanks about the writing, I love composing plots and manipulating words for some reason. And about the map, I agree, the city concept is cliche and I totally understand what you mean. The reason I posted this is actually because I tried to vary the architecture more on this one when compared the my other maps (4x4 talls and XXL platforms, anyone?) to make it more realistic and immersive. Also because it's a journey map, and this was my first attempt at ever making one... And am I the only one in the world who likes Purple + Next Gen? Lol.
Nice back story, I really enjoyed reading it, though it was slightly unrealistic with the "rebels" wiping out the National Guard seemingly easily. The map looks good as I'd said before, ammo on the DMR could be an issue but with the gametype if I remember right it takes multiple headshots to kill one. Nevertheless, I really like the map.
Thanks, and I never found it much of an issue but I guess it could be potentially abused. As for the plot, it's because there simply were not enough resources for the Guard to hold down the mass revolts.
Still seems unrealistic... The most advanced military in the world can't stop some crazy zealots and fired up rednecks? Ehhh.
Thanks, I really like that backstory for some reason. I have like five or so similar ones I've written, that one is just the most engaging to read, even though it does lack some realism.