This a 1v1 to 3v3 symmetrical map built for Slayer, KoTH, and Oddball. When i built it i had a mind set for double team because you dont see many maps built for smaller custom lobbies of 2-6 people. It is a 2 story map that i wanted to prevent spawn trapping as much as possible. Weapons: DMR -- 2 NR -- 2 Needler -- 2 Plasma Rifle -- 2 Plasma Pistol -- 2 Grenade Launcher -- 2 Plasma grenade -- 4 Frag grenade -- 4 Health Packs -- 6 Explosives -- 6 Video Walkthrough:Video Screenshots: Above Blue Team Lift Red Team spawn area Floor above Blue Team base. Blue Team Lift Area Neutral Grenade Launcher Spawn
I can see that you're a rookie, so I'll give you some advice. 1: You double posted one of the pictures. Not a huge mistake, just kind off an unpleasing error. 2: You DID link a video, but I would suggest embedding the video just for conviniences stake. 3: You really didn't describe it. As for the map, it looks visually stunning, and it's verticallity features reming me of Sword Base. It definantely warrants the right for the overused MLG title.
Love the map. The post needs some work. I agree with spl4tterman about the video but i would also recommend putting up more pictures with more descriptions.
ok so heres some answers to what you had said. I fixed the double photo post and i appologize as i didnt notice it before, i dont know how to embed a video otherwise i would have, and what kind of description does it need? it all seems kind of self explanitory to me. such as the red colored base is red team spawn, the gravity lift's provide a way to the second floor, and the grenade launcher is in the center of the map. I actually built this map with double team in mind. i havent tried it with a lobby higher then 3v3.
I chose The Underground because its all boxed in and it seems like it would be an underground area. im currently working on a way for it to look like there are tunnels blocked by rocks within the map its just hard to find the right place for it. I also chose The Underground because i liked the ring to it. Its the same with all my other maps. I may recieve a different name when its in the final cuts after full on testing but right now i like The Underground. Do you have a better name for it?
Wow, I love your orginality! The vertical component of this map was a big surprise to me when I tested out this map! It was very creative and gives the map a very unique feel! I tried out the map with a few friends and FFA worked out beautifully! Maybe you could tweak the spawns simply because in TS it seemed as if it was impossible to work together in most situations simply because I never seemed to spawn near my teamate... but all in all this map is great! Maybe you could think of a name that hints at the vertical aspect of the map or the grav. lifts. 'up-draft', 'back-draft', or 'skyward'...but I agree 'The Underground' has a nice ring to it... ____________________________________________________________ Pay it forward! Checkout/comment on some of my posts! Resonance -