MLG Fragment

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Overdoziz, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This has been finished for quite some time and in the end I can admit that I'm not that pleased with the result, but I thought I'd it anyway.

    So this is Fragment, my first real MLG-focused map. Inspiration for the map is mainly Warlock with a tiny bit of Citadel in the middle area. The way it's similar to Warlock is because it's a very small open map which guarantees fast-paced gameplay. Also similar is that it's essentially divided into 4 areas; Red, blue, green and orange side. Not every side is the exact copy of the other, though. There's a difference between the side areas and the bases itself. The bases, for instance, have a tunnel underneath them to give some cover or for easy access to the base to grab the flag.

    I've tried my best to make it very obvious in which part of the map you are. I've added a ton of colors to each side to make this clear and I specifically tried to make you see at least one colored Forge object when you spawn to make it easy to orientate yourself.

    There's only a single power weapon on the map: The Sniper Rifle. It's an excellent weapon because of the sight-lines the map offers. It is quite dangerous to grab it, though, as it spawns on the small bridge in the exposed middle area of the map.
    On the side structures on the map (Orange and green) there are Evade spawns. I tried to put something else there, but I really liked them. It gives players a reason to go out there and helps the flow of the match.

    Full list of weapons:
    6x DMR
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x Plasma Pistol
    2x Plasma Grenade
    2x Frag Grenade
    1x Sniper Rifle
    2x Evade



    -Base (Red)

    -Side area (Orange)

    -Sniper spawn

    -Evade spawn
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have to say, since my first game here I never really liked this map. Something about it just bored me. Then later, as it got updated with the tunnels, added more color, and altered other aspects (which dont quite come to mind at the moment) I began to have a few fun moments here. I have to say that I did like CTF here, the tunnel under the bases was so very useful in that game. I really felt other than the sniper there was no incentive to go on the bottom floor unless you had to bring the flag cross-map, when one might try a direct run. The flow really circulated only through the bases and I wasn't fond of the lack of desire to go anywhere else. I also feel like something should be under the sniper. plasma grenades maybe?

    Overall I am happy with this end result. There are moments of great conflict on the upper platforms and some crazy lines of sight. Not to mention your risk for that powerful sniper is perfect on this map, and the colors really help orient players, which is extremely important as many of the bases look the same. I had fun on the CTF game I played here and truly believe that game is its best.
  3. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree with you. There are definitely some things I liked about the map, but also enough things I could've done better. I did learn a lot about the way I want to design my maps by making this. What especially bothers me is that on the top levels there is only 'lazy' cover. I just put walls in areas to block off the view, which isn't really the ideal way to create cover. On my newer maps I created more natural LoS blockers such as tunnels and elevation.

    In retrospect I think this map helped a lot in terms of learning how to design better maps.
  4. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I enjoyed this map throughout its development. I think the finished product has seen a lot of great improvements. The map actually looks prettier in the screens than I had time to enjoy in game. I like the quadrant style game play but I still wish there were a little more cover across the long views of the map. Natural/integrated cover now that you put it that way. This is only because I have the worst (or most inconsistent I should say) long range DMRing and because I was typically not on your team. :-/ As much as I like this map I am looking forward to your next one more because as you said you have learned a lot about game play oriented design from this map alone. Anyways this map is worth the download! Keep it up.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I liked playing on this map, it's a solid little creation - but I do think that your new one (that we're testing rite nau) is going to kick this one's butt. My favorite gametype on Fragment is probably MLG 2-flag. The quick return time and fairly open layout makes flag running a feat of both skill and willpower, but the map is small enough that you'll never have one of those 0-0 or 1-0 games either. I prefer flag over slayer because the open design can lead to some fairly stagnant slayer games; players tend to spawn in the four corner rooms and stay there, whereas CTF has them moving all over.
  6. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree, flag is the best on this. But I still think its too small for 4v4. It really shines in 2v2 and even 3v3 Imo. I think you achieved what you set out to with this by making something with solid gameplay. But I also think you should have left the scorpion...
  7. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the looks of some spots and then dislike some others, but as mentioned multiple times CTF is the shizz on this map. i really enjoy how it played and felt. Kudos
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By the way, you guys might have noticed I removed the pyramids at the top of each side. I preferred the cleaner look I had going before I added them so I went back to that.
  9. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    This map has some solid ideas and concepts behind it and parts of the map work really well...however, much of the map feels constricted and forced. One idea is to simply "Broaden" the map in the horizontal which would give players more 'breathing room'. Anyway, you had some great ideas in this map, keep up the good work!


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