MLG Solace

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by unoverrated, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. unoverrated

    unoverrated Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    by Unoverrated and Hikaru X

    Asymmetrical maps are uncomfortable to forge because in order to balance something you immediately think just mirror it to the other side. So designing an asymm that is balanced takes a lot of thought and good forging. I met Hikaru X about a month ago when he posted a picture in the WAYWO thread. When I met him he was a wreck and had no knowledge of how to forge correctly. I tried to help him out but that map just wasn't working. So I asked him if he had anything else he wanted to forge. He showed me a really sloppy 'rough draft' of what is now Solace. So we started from scratch and built the beast brick by brick.

    Although I laid about 95% of the pieces on the map, Hikaru had the bleuprints in his head the whole time. He has learned a lot about screen-lag, object density, and many other important characteristics of forging. By the end of the forge he had placed some pieces that I didn't actually delete :]

    The map is themed around a dungeon-like feel. You will notice small aesthetics around the map that really put the icing on the cake. Hope you enjoy it.

    Weapons and Powerups:

    • DMR x 2
    • NR x2
    • Frag x4
    • Plasma x4
    • Plasma Pistol x1
    • Magnum x1
    • Snipe x1
    • Rockets x1
    • Pro Pipe x1
    • Camo x1
    • Health Pack x3


    #1 unoverrated, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2011
  2. TheOlympicWolf

    TheOlympicWolf Forerunner

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    Wow! This map looks amazing! Especially for being asymmetrical! It looks like it will play well. The asthetics look great and the rocks and grass pillars gave it more of an organic feel that lends itself to the map well and they are integrated extremly well. Definetly deserving of download. Great job!
  3. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is definitely one of the best asymmetrical maps I've seen, tons of tactical jumps, great lines of sight, and the aesthetics are very original (I love the rock tunnel, very smooth). My only concern is the camo room, the second level seems pretty easy to defend, but maybe it won't be an issue after a few more games. Nice work!
  4. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    This really looks professional. I think it's cool that it was a co-forged map. Taking your knowledge of forge + your friend's talent for envisioning great design = one kick ass map! I'm dl because I want to get a closer look at the design, and so I can get a better understanding of the layout. The jump-ups look really well thought out, and I'm really digging this map!
    #4 PeteTacular 42, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    Wow this had to take a lot of time to make. It looks like it plays well and is balanced for each team. If this is how your asymmetric maps look than I can't wait to see your symmetric maps. Next time tell a little more about the map itself in the description.
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I thought this map was above average by MLG standards. Not too many negative things to say about it, but not too many positive things either. This wasn't a problem, but I don't think the camo was put in a very good position. I found the camo immediately at the start of the game, but it took others a bit longer to catch on. bunniesz, for example, took 2 matches to finally figure out where camo was, and he only found it in the middle of the second match by luck.

    I also found it pretty hilarious when that one guy went almost -40 in the game of KOTH we had here. I went around -8, and I was playing very badly (with the added constraint due to my connection, of course), even by my usual standards. Though this might have been games that I had with Seven oh Three. I'm pretty sure you weren't there as well, but you could have been.
  7. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    everytime i try to forge a map now on the quarry i keep thinking of this map, after playing it i feel that for the map to be perfect red and purple should switch, this i feel will help balance the a little more and give the possibility of multiflag ctf. Also if you have purple spawns on the map change them to orange (i think might be yellow) because multiteam goes red v blue v green ve orange (yellow) which ever it is
  8. unoverrated

    unoverrated Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is for MLG, not multiteam. Also I'm thinking of moving some weapons around a little bit.
  9. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You didn't have the tunnel going under the chapel in the beginning, right? You did make that later, didn't you? Well anyway, I really like it. Provides with a neccesary route and allows for some nice stuff.
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks interesting, more original than most maps with the MLG tag. You blended areas nicely and have some interesting architecture and tac jumps, both of which I love. Overall this looks better than average, I especially like the lines of sight to the top floor in one of the pics, keeping it open to be shot at from below should work well. Nicely done!
  11. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is quite the original asymmetrical map. Some rooms suffer from minor frame rate and this is may be partially caused by a little zfighting here and there (some of which is just from the kinds of pieces you used). The aesthetic details on the map are great... the torches in the cave area for example. Every part of the map is unique and identifiable. The die might be the only thing I don't like. Due to the FR drop especially in the camo chamber, i'd eliminate a few pieces here and there if you can. Finally, a few areas top levels are a bit inaccessible from certain directions where I feel there really should be access, again, such as in the camo room coming from the cave. Could you add another ramp, a lift, or even tac jump there? I really like this map of yours as well as that other one you made, haze I believe. Also props to hikaru for the concept.
  12. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    After a quick playthrough on Solace, I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it! At first glance I was quick to make the assumption that most of the gameplay would turn out to be close-quarters; however, I was forced to retract any first-impressions that I may have had when I suddenly discovered how expertly this map plays! Granted there are close quarter areas of the map (which merely serves to mix up the gameplay and tactical advantages of the map), but they are offset by longer coridoors (such as the walkway leading up to the sniper and the bridge area leading to the rocket cave). All in all this is an outstanding map and one of the few that I'll be keeping in my list of local-files...Keep the great work!

    Resonance -


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