
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by zocho, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Welcome to Riposte

    "Welcome commander, we have good news for you today" exclaimed Head of Scientific Intel Sarah Thomas as she flipped the switch on the projector. It flashed into life displaying vibrant pictures of what was known as Riposte to the UNSC head of operations.
    "This ancient forerunner factory destined to produce sentinel alphas but has been left to collect dust over the centuries had been discovered by Spartan-279 on covert operation Blindspot. Entering the facility, Spartan-279 activated a controller AI, upon making contact with this AI, Spartan-279 was quickly slain by Sentinel Zulu's, we had dispatched many groups to foresee the capture of this facility, so that we may study its inner core. However, it wasn't until Spartan-118 known as HotDrop, for his unusual friendship with ODST squad 78, that we made a step in the right direction." Sarah clicked to the next slide. "Spartan HotDrop along with 5 ODSTs from Squad 78 managed to successfully enter the facility unnoticed and head forwards to the Control room. once entered they quickly began their work, attempting to disable the AI, who resided there. 3 of the 5 ODSTs gave their lives as Spartan HotDrop attempted to disable the systems, these sentinels were brutes of a kind." The commander took a grin to that, shifting in his seat he crossed his legs and continued to listen. "After a solid 30 minutes of combat, Spartan HotDrop managed to secure the zone, disabling the AI, after which the few sentinels that were left, crashed to the ground. What came next however was surly unexpected. The covenant must have been roaming around, for shortly after disabling the AI and calling for a scientific squadron of which i was to join. An Elite Zealot Squad showed up, unaware of their presence, the last 2 remaining ODSTs were pulled into the shadows and speedily slain. However, the 2 ODSTs did manage to get a magnum in the mouth of 2 of the Zealots, But this did not make it any easier on Spartan HotDrop, who turned around to see the last remaining ODSTs slumped on the ground face shields cracked, limbs missing. Instantly honing in on his surroundings, Spartan HotDrop pulled out his Gernade Launcher and took a walk around the park if you will. Spartan HotDrop found the 2 injured Elites groaning in the main factory room and quickly dispensed of them, however the third was still at large. Upon crouching round a corner, Spartan HotDrop caught a shimmer of light, seeing that it was an elite cloaking device, he lunged at the elite, shooting at its arm with a magnum, he quickly snatched its sword and forced it throw the Elites body."


    The commander released his pent up tension as he no longer feared for the safety of his favorite spartan. "Spartan-118 quickly called in a report on the events, and also called for a guard team while the Scientists were at work on site." Sarah took a sigh of relief towards Spartan-118's safety, almost as if she were hiding something, and quickly dismissed herself from the room.

    The Important Stuff


    Riposte Works With All Standard Game-types except race/invasion
    However it works best with slayer, the game-play is fast paced, and close quarters, with an enemy lurking around every corner.​

    Weapon Spawning​

    Sword x1-120 seconds-N/A
    Grenade Launcher x1-130 seconds-5 shots
    Plasma Repeater x1-30 seconds-N/A
    DMR x6-15 seconds-2 Spare Clips
    Plasma Pistol x2-25 seconds-N/A
    Plasma Grenade x4-15 seconds-N/A
    Frag Grenade x4-15 seconds-N/A
    Needle Rifle x2-15 seconds-2 Spare Clips
    Needler x1-45 seconds-1 Spare Clips
    Health Packs x4-15 seconds-N/A

    Vid's Are Always a Bonus​

    Riposte MAIN.wmv - YouTube

    Pictures To!









    Action Shots Anyone?​







    Thanks everyone who playtested this map, countless hours and unimaginable numbers of games to create, critique and improve this map.
    Intense God
    plus COUNTLESS more...

    AND Thank You for reading my post FEEDBACK is much appreciated!

    #1 zocho, Sep 11, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map has changed a bit since I law saw! I like just about everything about this map, and the aesthetics are really impressive I think. Nothing new, or outstanding, but very well done. I havent gotten a game on this unfortunately but I couldnt find any issues, aside from the cross map lag which was fixed.

    I saw the new side path near the dish section and I feel like that path is quite narrow, I dont know if I like that. And is there another way up to the sword from the bottom aside from the tac jump? If not I would consider making one if I were you. I like the tac jump but there should be other options.
  3. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Sweet, first. Anyway, loving the purple theme of the map, such a huge improvement from your previous map, Signet. Oh by the way, I just like how you have a little backstory for each of your maps, it's just something that excites the reader. Remember, keep on forgin :3
  4. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    hey i helped test this too :( anyway this map was awesome to play on even though i got owned most of the time but you made one awesome map t you got yourself a download
  5. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Wow 3 comments already, that was quick haha, anyways i appreciate the feedback,

    Audience the hallway at the back is quite narrow, however any bigger, and it wonflicts with the gameplay flow, because more end up going thru that hallway than the other, also i wanted it only to be a small side hallway for flag steals and just generally another entrance to the base, and as for the sword raise part, the reason its raised is because if it wasnt, the time it takes to get from one side of the map to the other is greatly reduced, making the map feel much smaller than it really is, and you can crouch jump sprint jump tac jump on collumn , or just walk around haha, but that deffinetly has to stay, i tried some games with it lowered, but they just didnt work out :(

    Neverending halo, im sorry i left you out in playtesters, i was just coming up with names of the head that i could remember, but i do acknowledge you as a great help to the map. :)

    Sinless thanks, i take great pride in my posts, and being an aspiring writer, i enjoy making little snippets on my maps, its a time i can envelope the reader into my map and get a feel for it as they walk around, so i appreciate that you took the time to read it. thanks alot guys keep them coming
  6. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    Where do I begin? lol this map is AWESOME! I really had alot of fun testing and the new pathway to the top from the bases is really a game changer.. Great map Zocho
  7. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I enjoyed playing on this map. Impressive aesthetics, considering that most of the budget was spent on it, and fast paced gameplay. Slayer really works best like you said. Good job, oh and sweet post.
  8. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I mean that I think there should be ramps up to the middle platform. The tac jump only thing is just annoying to me- I try to make my maps and I like others to be simple as dirt. Everyone should be able to understand them instantly. Tac jumps are not something everyone understands and can get annoying if you dont land that one jump just right, so I like to have them as an addition to another path that is more obvious. you know what I mean?
  9. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember beating you and SGTRMidilloso badly in Slayer and the close game of CTF earlier today. The map plays pretty well but LoS in the middle are a bit much. It makes the distance between the bases seem much longer than it actually is and it's pretty demoralizing when you have to go to the other side. The color effect is another thing that bothers me. The added effect rather than juicy alone is better but it's still an effect. Bungie made it absolutely impossible to integrate effects into competitive play. Anyway, great map and I hope you take the length of any LoS into consideration.
  10. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Thanks everyone for the comments, im loving to hear the feedback, i will think about posting an effectless map next time i can manage to get on, but im pretty busy right now, yea and Tom thanks for the comment haha, im pleased with how it turned out, and audience i will see if i can squeeze a way to get up there un tactfully...even though i dont think crouch jumping counts as a tact. or maybe ill just but railings on it, so you canONLY get down and not up??? we will see
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I kind of like that actually. Its the opposite of my intentions but I think it might be nice. Give both a shot and see what you like best between the two alterations and the original?
  12. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    yep, i just loaded up xbox, and im going to see if i can mess around with it, i need to figure out something you are right. so we will see
  13. crapoess

    crapoess Forerunner

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    I really REALLY love this map, it has so much detail and eye candy, it just blows my mind away. however it isnt so much to conflict with the gameplay, i really would love to get a game on this map, i love it. the healthpacks look really neat and tidy, and everything in the map looks clean cut and professional, its spectacular, my favirote part is the sword room, it just looks amazing specially with the purple light. AND dont take out the effects, it ruins the map, i mean its not like the effects are so much to lower gameplay, they just make the colors draw out mour with much more saturation. GREAT map keep forging
  14. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Thanks Crapoess, yea i really did try hard with the details, i wanted to make it really look like a legit map, not just blocks thrown all over the place, i mean i dumped all my budget into this map, and to be honest its a pretty small map lol, so im glad you took notice, and i love the sword room to, but i think there will be some tweaking going on with it so we will see how it turns out, nothing dramatic, just some minor changes to affect gameplay
  15. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to say, you get the "most covenanty award" on this one. You did a great job capturing this theme in most of the map, especially the purple rib room. The only lacking areas were the hallways from the middle (opposite purple) which seemed thrown in afterwards because of a lack of budget. There was also some framerate in forge, which if it shines through in 2 v. 2 will be a major issue. Usually I don't mid framerate, but it was in some highly used lines of sight. The layout is fairly average, this really has more of an aesthetic appeal to me, but I assume it would play well because of this, if not exemplary. Very interesting, good job!
  16. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    yes there tends to be some lag in forge, but i assure you in 2v2 EVEN 4v4 or up to 8 people free for all, there is practically no lag, and you are right, the hallway with the grenade launcher was a last minute thought, because when i tested the map with just the center room and sword room it involved alot of camping at bases because of a limited amount on entrances, so i tried to add in what i could, i mean im sitting at 60 budget, no walls no building blocks no decorative no platforms etc.... so lol i did my best. anyways ty for the comment pelase keep it up peeps
  17. bracdet

    bracdet Forerunner

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    Amazing, just stunning map, i cant explain how much you have improved since i saw the map Signet, its wonderful, i really like the purple theme throughout the map, and the background story was intense, really got me into the map, anyways digging the aesthetics particularly the fountains :) very unique structure and use of the grid. so many details, yet practically no lag at all, and the way that light in the sword room shines on the center pillar is just stunning keep up the good work, cant wait to see another one like it.

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